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Apple Releases Aperture 1.5.1 Update The Mac Observer
Apple Computer released an update to Aperture, its digital image management and editing application for professional photographers, on Thursday
Plug-in Support Is Aperture's Winner Feature The Mac Observer
The biggest new feature in Aperture 1.5 is the ability to add plug-ins to enhance the application's functionality, and it looks like that's exactly what users have been wanting
AMD Unveils ATI Radeon X1900 G5 Mac Edition The Mac Observer
AMD announced the ATI Radeon X1900 G5 Mac Edition video card on Monday
FastMac Introduces Mac mini Bluetooth Upgrade The Mac Observer
FastMac announced the immediate availability of an internal Bluetooth upgrade for the PowerPC-based Mac mini on Monday
TMO Reports - Analyst: MacBook, shuffle to Drive Sales The Mac Observer
American Technology Research analyst, Shaw Wu, feels Apple Computer's stock still has room to grow, and that the MacBook and second generation iPod shuffle have an important role to play
TMO Quick Tip - Finding File Locations from Window Titles The Mac Observer
Usually you have a pretty good idea where the file or folder you are currently using lives on your hard drive. If you used the Mac OS X Find command or Spotlight to open an item, however, you may not be sure where it actually is. Apple thought ahead on that one and included a quick way to view the path to any file or folder
Xcode Tools 2.4.1 Update Includes Security Fixes The Mac Observer
Apple Computer released Xcode 2.4.1, an update to the company's application development environment, on Wednesday
QuickerTek Announces USB AirPort Antenna Booster The Mac Observer
QuickerTek announced the immediate availability of its new Quicky USB Transceiver/Antenna for Apple's laptops
Security Researcher Releases AirPort Attack Code The Mac Observer
H. D. Moore has released attack code that can cause a Macintosh to kernel panic. The attack code was added to a Metasploit 3.0, a security tool used by both security experts and the bad guys to probe for holes in a target computer or network. The attack code can be used against Orinoco-based AirPort cards that shipped in PowerBooks and iMacs from 1999-2003, according to the description published
Boot Camp 1.1.2 Beta Fixes Hardware Issues The Mac Observer
Apple Computer released Boot Camp 1.1.2 beta on Monday with fixes for several issues

Power Mac G4 (MDD) Modem (DIY)
Power Mac è un marchio di Apple Computer, Inc. T073-0561 Rev. F. 4. Power Mac G4 (QuickSilver 2002_Mirrored Drive Doors_FW 800) - Modem.
Power Mac G4 (QS 2002_MDD_FW 800) Battery (DIY)
Apple, il logo Apple, Mac, Macintosh e il logo Mac sono marchi registrati di Apple Computer, Inc. Power Mac è un marchio di Apple Computer, Inc.
Apple Macintosh - Wikipedia
Venne annunciata un'alleanza tra Apple Computer, IBM e Motorola allo scopo di sviluppare una nuova serie di CPU RISC, detta PowerPC.
Mytech | Computer | Apple: addio PowerMac, arriva Mac Pro
Home » Computer » Apple: addio PowerMac, arriva Mac Pro Il Mac Pro ha esternamente lo stesso aspetto del PowerMac G5 che rimpiazza ma è rinnovato
Archivio Computer Apple @ Computer Museum .it
Cronologia dei computer prodotti dalla Apple con dati tecnici essenziali. 1994 Apple Power Mac 6100 /66; 1994 Apple Performa 6200; 1994 Apple Power Mac

Apple Macintosh - Wikipedia
Venne annunciata un'alleanza tra Apple Computer, IBM e Motorola allo scopo di sviluppare una nuova serie di CPU RISC, detta PowerPC.
PowerPC G5 - Wikipedia
Apple ha presentato le prime macchine nel Giugno 2003 ma appena si è reso disponibile il processore PowerPC 970FX ha convertito la sua linea di computer a
Mytech | Computer | Apple: addio PowerMac, arriva Mac Pro
Home » Computer » Apple: addio PowerMac, arriva Mac Pro Il Mac Pro ha esternamente lo stesso aspetto del PowerMac G5 che rimpiazza ma è rinnovato
Archivio Computer Apple @ Computer Museum .it
Cronologia dei computer prodotti dalla Apple con dati tecnici essenziali. 1994 Apple Power Mac 6100 /66; 1994 Apple Performa 6200; 1994 Apple Power Mac
APPLE Monitor Computer LCD, in offerta - COSTAMENO
APPLE Monitor Computer LCD. Monitor LCD da 20 pollici per Apple PowerBook G4 o PowerMac G5 con porta DVI e USB 2.0, con risoluzi
Storia della APPLE, dei Computer e dell'informatica, dal 1600 ad oggi, dagli elaboratori elettronici ai personal 2001 The PowerMac G4 (Digital Audio)
Power Mac G4: monitor compatibili
I computer Power Mac G4 Cube devono disporre di una scheda grafica Nvidia Geforce 2MX per poter essere compatibili con Apple Cinema Display HD o Apple
Power Mac G4 Cube: collegamento di altoparlanti USB al computer o
presenti su Power Mac G4 o ai monitor sopra citati. Non collegare gli altoparlanti alle porte USB di tastiere Apple, di altri computer Apple o di altri
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