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Grace period for student loan consolidation is ending soon (Norwalk Advocate) - If you have recent graduates in the family, remind them that they have very little time left to lock in a fixed rate on student loans they want to consolidate. . Managing student loan debt (Newsday) - With the cost of higher education soaring every year, students are often forced to take out larger amounts of federal student loans. Half of all college graduates with loans owe $19,300, up from $12,000 a decade ago. And many are unprepared to write those checks when it comes time to pay back that debt.. Dems: make student loans student friendly (CNN Money) - In the corporate world, there's a short list of obvious suspects who may face tougher times under a Democratic Congress, including Big Pharma and Big Oil. Then there are the not-so-obvious suspects - like what might be called Big Education.. Student Loan Bonds Rally as College Grads Get Jobs, Higher Pay ( - Nov. 10 (Bloomberg) -- Bonds tied to student loans may rise more than the U.S. asset-backed securities market this year for the first time as defaults by college graduates decline.. The Sentinel (The Sentinel) - At first glance, the financial scene for area low-income students planning to go to college can look pretty grim. Federal Pell Grant funding, the main source of federal aid for low-income students, is shrinking and, at the same time, tuition prices are rising across the nation.. Bend It Like Buffett: Dissecting Moody's (The Motley Fool) - You know that sweet spot on a tennis racket, one which sends the ball hurtling at your opponent at an incredible velocity? I feel like Moody's (NYSE: MCO) is in that sweet spot, and the ball's being hit by Venus Williams.. Bend It Like Buffett: Dissecting Moody's (The Motley Fool) - Study this classic value investment, then wait to buy it at a discount. . Suburban vision turns to mirage (The Cincinnati Enquirer) - What began as a visionary, upscale, friendly community has dissolved in lawsuits and bitterness that threaten the project's future.. Take stock before your holiday shopping (The Providence Journal) - You remember the poem by Mary Howitt that starts: “Will you walk into my parlor?" said the spider to the fly.. Don't be tricked into splurging (Boston Globe) - You remember the poem by Mary Howitt that starts: " 'Will you walk into my parlor?' said the spider to the fly. 'Tis the prettiest little parlor that ever you did spy. . . . And I have many curious things to show you when you are there.' ".

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