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Every Vista computer can have its own domain name (Ars Technica) - A new feature coming with Windows Vista will allow users to create a unique name to access their computer remotely, without having to register and pay for a standard domain name. Will the feature be a boon or a security risk? . Direct Legal Launches New Web Site (PR Web) - Direct Legal, a premier copyright and trademark services provider announces the launch of their new website, featuring the most comprehensive online services and web-based guides on how to register a U.S. copyright or trademark. (PRWeb Nov 14, 2006) Trackback URL: Update: Microsoft enters domain name registration game (InfoWorld) - ( InfoWorld ) - Microsoft Corp. can now register top-level Internet domains. Last week, the company was added to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) list of accredited domain name registrars, according to domain name service provider Dot and Co. This means that Microsoft can now add new top-level domains to the databases used by computers on the Internet. . Fast24 domain name fall-out: more war stories (The Register) - Bulk delivery Letters Fast24, the broadband ISP and domain registrar missing in inaction, has created headaches for many users of its domain services. Yesterday Reg reader Jim Howes recounted how he regained control of his domains. Today, more readers weigh in with their advice. … . Information Technology & Telecommunications (Mondaq) - "It is increasingly clear that modern businesses no longer require an actual physical presence in a state in order to engage in commercial activity there.. How to value your Intellectual Property (Contractor UK) - Do you know what the intellectual property in your business is worth? If you answered "no", you're certainly not alone. According to a survey by Browne Jacobson, a leading UK law firm, a poll of 220 UK business owners found:. dotMobi launches RFP process for premium names (Web Host Directory) - dotMobi, the official worldwide registry for the .mobi domain, this week launched the first round of its Request for Proposals (RFP) process for four highly anticipated premium .mobi domain names: "," "," "" and "". The Travel Partnership Corporation Qualifies New Sectors for .travel Internet Domain Eligibility (CircleID) - The Travel Partnership Corporation (TTPC), the non-profit body that recommends eligibility policies and practices for the .travel TLD, has approved two new sectors to be added to the list of travel industry entities eligible to hold .travel domain names. more . Thalys International Uses THALYS.MOBI for Travel Information (CircleID) - To meet the needs of its six million on-the-go passengers, Thalys International recently launched, the mobile version of the train company's Web site. more . New Media Knowledge - The importance of having a trademark (New Media Knowledge) - What's the most important thing about choosing a brand or business name? It should be a catchy, relevant and memorable name of course. But more importantly, the name - or anything confusingly similar - should not already belong to someone else in the same area of trade as you, writes Jon Danzig.

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