Guides of LAGO BOATS

Hotel Greater Lago, Hotels Greater Lago, Welcome, Greater Lago, Hospitality Greater Lago, Hotel Greater Lago, Lodges Greater Lago, Bed and Breakfast Greater Lago, B & B Greater Lago, B&B Lago
The Lago Greater (or Verbano) is a lacustrine river basin of the Piemonte north-oriental to the border with the Lombardy and Switzerland, the second by extension between Italian lagos after the Lago of Garda.
II imbrifero river basin of the Greater Lago is much extending, comprising it goes them to them of the rivers Ticino and Toce beyond to those of the Maggia torrent; it moreover receives also waters of the Lago of Lugano through the Tresa torrent, of the Lago of Orta by means of the Strona torrent, of the Lago of Varese through the Bardello torrent and of the Lago of Mergozzo, than alluviums of the Toce river they separated from the Borromeo Gulf.
Only emissary is the Ticino river that exits from the lago near Sixth Calende, meeting then from left in the Po to goes them of Pavia.

The Club of the Gommone
Of new on the Lago of Lecco for an other important challenge: before the test of Regolarità, valid for the Regional Championship and the End of Italian Championship.
All the lago is been involved, contests, show, great festivity, famous music and personages.
Greater lago, four crews of attendance to the organized veliche regattas from the Association Velica High Verbano and the Yacht Ascona Club.


Hotel Lago of Garda, Hotels Lago di Garda, Welcome, Lago of Garda, Hospitality Lago of Garda, Hotel Lago of Garda, Lodges Lago of Garda, Bed and Breakfast Lago di Garda, B & B Lago di Garda, B&B Lago
The geologic history of the Lago of Garda derives from a series of vicissitudes connected to the formation of the preAlps that constitute a large one wrap of cliffs, generally sedimentarie, representatives the superficial and external cover of the alpine region.
The remarkable water mass (approximately 50 million cubic meters) and the natural protection of the mountains that encircle it, make of the Lago of Garda one climatic zone of remarkable importance for all the sports.
Here blooming of club with the more thrilling boats from competition for inner waters, and proliferare of schools for the sail and the surf, for conoa and the canottaggio.
The mild climate of the lago offers the possibility to practice already sports to the open air with the beginning of the spring: above all tennis, with equipments in Association of Bologna in every tourist center, the athletics (Goat, Bussolengo and Castelnuovo), golf (the Costermano and Sommacampagna) and minigolf (the Malcesine and Bardolino).

Hotel Lago of Lugano, Hotels Lago di Lugano, Welcome, Lago of Lugano, Hospitality Lago of Lugano, Hotel Lago of Lugano, Lodges Lago of Lugano, Bed and Breakfast Lago di Lugano, B & B Lago di Lugano,
Today the Lago of Lugano could be defined a natural oasis still nearly incontaminata, in which it is possible to breathe the always fresh air and to be in the total relax and tranquillity.
It goes them that they encircle the Lago, like Valsolda, Val Rezzo or Val Cavargna, introduce sour profiles, but rich of one rigogliosa vegetation.
The Lago of Lugano has irregular shapes and long its sides are charming cities as the Lugano, most modern than all the zone.
The typical plates of the zone of the Lago of Lugano are mostly base you of latte and cheese, having had, from always, the breeding and the pastorizia like main activities.


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Hotel Lago of Bolsena, Hotels Lago di Bolsena, Welcome, Lago of Bolsena, Hospitality Lago of Bolsena, Hotel Lago of Bolsena, Lodges Lago of Bolsena, Bed and Breakfast Lago di Bolsena, B & B Lago of
The lago of Bolsena, with its 114 kmq and the perimeter of 43 km is the greater one of the Lazio and fifth of Italy, and is, in particular, the greatest lago formed in the crater of a extinguished volcano.
In age pre-Etruscan the center of Bisenzio rose you and, later, the Vesna Etruscan prospered you, than divenne the Volsinii Latin and odierna the Bolsena, center that they always give has given the name to the lago that in ancient called just Lacus Volsiniensis.

Racing silk of the boats Lago Trasimeno 2007
Racing silk of the boats - historical Rievocazione in Lago Trasimeno 2007 Racing silk of the boats historical Rievocazione Lago Trasimeno Is the commemoration of the last action of civil war Perugina, when a small army of the Oddi family had to escape, boats in shoulder, from the castle of Passignano, chased from the military services of the Baglioni and of Of the Corgna.
The racing silk of the boats engages approximately 160 contendenti (40 for Rione) in the hardest contest that previews three is made distinguished: before, to addles, from the lago to the river; the second one to earth, boat in shoulder, inside of the historical center between steep alleys and perrons and, at last, third with the boat in water for the last one, violent hard work of the rematori.

The Lago of Bolsena: Sailing boat
It marks it the situated one to a your friend with a solo click! You add to your preferred situated of the Lago of Bolsena PORTALE OF YOUR NEW VACATION!!! Main page | English Version | the Plan Page modernized to: 17.01.2007.
This is the Lago of Bolsena, “the Lago of the Etruschi”.
We offer the possibility to you to dip to you in its atmosphere in the way that more to it is suited: sailing, bathing to you in its still incontaminate limpid waters and, tasting produced typical of the lago, accompanying the local fishermen in the activities that, like ancient rituale, are repeated daily from the night of the times.
Navigation on the lago, circumnavigation of the islands, bath or immersion.
You are ready to enjoy the lago from one perspective privileged? With we, the possibility exists to pass a day in full load relax, sailing on limpid waters and cleans up, to rejoice at themselves of a splendid sight on the palaces and the garden to English of the Bisentina island, to admire the wild beauty of the Martana island, the lavica stone reef that stands out imposing on one charming bay.
But not enough: to your choice, the pleasure of one gita in sailing boat to the visit to the cape of Bisenzio, the most spectacular lookout of the lago can be joined, center of the ancient Vesentum umbro - Etruscan, the whose immensest necropoli have ridato to the light treasures of art of the neolithic age, villanoviana, Etruscan and roman one.


The Lago of Bolsena: Chartering Boats
It marks it the situated one to a your friend with a solo click! You add to your preferred situated of the Lago of Bolsena PORTALE OF YOUR NEW VACATION!!! Main page | English Version | the Plan Page modernized to: 17.01.2007.
You discover to the Lago of Bolsena from one new perspective! .
We are the only presents on the Lago of Bolsena to offer to a chartering service Typical Boats of these places in order to discover it from one new perspective: the perspective of our GRANDFATHERS.
You will be able to walk on the water in all tranquillity and perfect emergency in simbiosi with the nature in order to discover to the most recondite secrets and gorges of the Lago.
They are not necessary “allowed” or “patents” particular in order to guide our boats, the only requirement demands is to have completed 18° the year of age and therefore of being maggiorenni, being in good state of physical and mental health and introducing suitable document of acknowledgment in validity course.
>>>Il service of reservation of the typical Boats of the Lago of Bolsena is active every day from the 8,00 to the 22,00 solos and exclusively telephoning: .
They are not necessary “allowed” or “patents” particular in order to guide our boats, the only requirement demands is to have completed 18° the year of age and therefore of being maggiorenni, being in good state of physical and mental health and introducing suitable document of acknowledgment in validity course.


Chartering barche Lago of Garda/Bogliaco
Information online on chartering, services and promotions with respect to Chartering boats Lago of Garda/Bogliaco. You follow the link here under…
Information online on chartering, services and promotions with respect to Chartering boats Lago of Garda/Bogliaco. You follow the link here under…
Online Charters Chartering boats Lago of Garda/Bogliaco Copyright (c) 2002 - 2006 - All rights reserved - YachtBooker Network AG - YachtFinder and a registered trademark of YachtBooker the great reservation system centralizes for Chartering boats to you Lago of Garda/Bogliaco English | Italian Deutsch | | Francais Chartering boats Lago of Garda/Bogliaco - online with your preferred agency Reserves! All the services of charter, disponibilita, prices and reductions in price with respect to Chartering boats Lago of Garda/Bogliaco


Chartering imbarcazioni Lago of Neusiedel
Information online on chartering, services and promotions with respect to Chartering boats Lago of Neusiedel. You follow the link here under…
Information online on chartering, services and promotions with respect to Chartering boats Lago of Neusiedel. You follow the link here under…
Online Charters Chartering boats Lago of Neusiedel Copyright (c) 2002 - 2006 - All rights reserved - YachtBooker Network AG - YachtFinder and a registered trademark of YachtBooker the great reservation system centralizes for Chartering boats to you Lago of Neusiedel English | Italian Deutsch | | Francais Chartering boats Lago of Neusiedel - online with your preferred agency Reserves! All the services of charter, disponibilita, prices and reductions in price with respect to Chartering boats Lago of Neusiedel


to navigate on the lago chartering boats regatta centomiglia lago of garda
Hotel Reservations Stay & Free time Golf Clubs Packages & Offering to Italian English Deutsch Introduction Restaurant Lookout Prodotti Swimming pool of the territory Lago and Gardaland outskirtses In boat on the lago Chartering boats the Lago of Garda accommodates famous natural beauties all over the world, that they can be admired from a point of view originates renting them one boat near the specialistic center Rappydrive to Moniga of Garda (BS).
Situated to single 3 Km from the Hotel Door of the Sun, offers to chartering an immense one chosen of boats to motor, some of which does not need not even of nautical patent for being guided.
You discover to the lago from one new perspective with a relaxant travel without traffic, tails and semafori modern thanks to and sure endowed boats of all the comfort.
The Centomiglia regatta the Centomiglia is the most famous disputed velica regatta in Europe in not marine waters; draft of a turn of the Lago of Garda in boat, than from the 1951 part and arrives in the small porticciolo of Bogliaco, fraction of Gargnano (BS).

Living the Sail - Milan - School, Cruise, Regatta
Living the Sail has thought next to this possibility and on hand puts of all the own boats to the lago and the sea.
The put boats to Sixth Calende (Greater Lago) completely are equipped, have a length that varies from the 6 to the 9 meters and are on hand not registered.
The lago is the ideal frame in order to savour the pleasure of navigation to sail, only half hour from Milan, finalized also to one practical increase before the experience to the sea.