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Postmodernism as pathology, part II
The thing is, Robbie, there's no rehabilitation from PoMo. The sickness that afflicts Robbie Williams is nothing less than postmodernity itself. Look at Williams: his whole body is afflicted with reflexive tics, an ego-armoury of
Now Get Your Punk Ass Back to the Playhouse
Man: I'm tellin' you, a perm makes you look good. Woman: Goddammit, Pee Wee! No it don't! You think you know every mothafuckin' thing! --Fulton & Putnam, Brooklyn Overheard by: mira p. Thumbs up | Thumbs down | wtf?
Eye-Up! Custom Circus Punk
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Friday Videos - Daft Punk!
Seems that Friday mornings are full of YouTube Video searching. Here's a great one by Daft Punk
Sat 2/17: Punk Rock Prom with The Mumbles
When: Saturday, Feb. 17, 2007, 9 pm. Where: The Darkside Lounge, 2810 Elm Street, Dallas. Cost: Not available. Age limit: 17+
9 great old punk videos
Mark Frauenfelder: After Cory posted that clip of Jello Biafra talking about net neutrality, I got nostalgic and went on YouTube looking for videos from some of my favorite songs. Here they are:. 1. Generation X: "Your Generation" (1977
The Charleston With Daft Punk
Great vintage video clip of people dancing The Charleston. The cool part is that the music is from the group Daft Punk. They actually go pretty well together. :
Sat 17th Offline, Brixton Punk Rock Special FREE!
Saturday 17th February - Offline Punk Rock Special at the Albert Prince Albert 418 Coldharbour Lane, London, SW9 8LF. The urban75.com crew is putting on a Punk Rock Special at the Prince Albert, Brixton's liveliest bar.
So What is Japan Lifestyle? Or a general idea of what the Enigma
So we’ve jumped into the Lifestyle era for Moz La Punk. So I figured my first article in this channel would be about this lifestyle and what it means to me. Japan Lifestyle deals with (as far as Moz La Punk goes) Gaming lifestyle in
Punk guitarist seeks band/people to jam i'm 21, have equip
Punk Guitarist Seeks Band/People to Jam I'm 21, have equip/port. Play guitar for 5 yrs & have band/tour exp. Influences: punk/metal (ie Iron Maiden, Slayer, Ramones, etc.) I want to join/form a band who wants to have fun,

sei un vero punk? bastardidentro
Ok okil Punk è morto,ma questo test vi servirà per capire come vi sareste trovati a vivere negli anni '80tempi d'oro del VERO PUNKebbene,rispondete e
Nextpunk Records
Portale sul Punk Svizzero in Italiano: articoli, gruppi, news, recensioni e concerti. Inoltre spazi per la comunità correlata.
PUNK: The Original
The on-line home of the original punk fanzine.
Punk Rock.org Punk's #1 Internet Community
A comprehensive listing of punk websites from around the world.
Punk Wikipedia
Zur zugehörigen Musikrichtung der Rockmusik siehe Punk (Musik) Punk war vor allem eine Reaktion auf die Hippie-Bewegung. Er richtete sich gegen den
Punk Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Punk subculture, a subculture ociated with punk rock. Punk, a term used in United States prison culture, meaning someone who ac pively,
Absolute Punk
Online source for punk music, free mp3s, news, tabs, lyrics, forums, downloads, multimedia, pictures, aim icons, wallpapers, and more.
Anarko-punk Wikipedia Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas berbahasa
Anarko-punk adalah bagian dari gerakan punk yang dilakukan baik oleh kelompok Sedangkan di indonesia beberapa band anarko-punk yang cukup uler antara
La storia del punk | Punkwave Punk core Webzine
Punkwave The Ultimate Webzine Biografie complete ed informazioni su gruppi punk, emo-core, core, ska ed altri. Contiene inoltre interviste
Hanno paura di me, sono punk : Italy imc
Bad Trip, il suo intervento nel libro 'Lumi di Punk' di Marco Philopat Quando un gran numero di punk italiani che sapevano suonare hanno cominciato a punk: abbigliamento punk , , abbigliamento punk , , punk
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