Software to serve part of their sentence in the community, rather than a penal institution, on condition that they wear a GPS transmitter permanently strapped to one ankle. The authorities can then track the felon, wherever he or she goes. (more…) Tue 27 Jun 2006 How To Make
Definition Passive Sentence
1 to 10 of 35 results for Definition Passive Sentence Description: Low passive sentences score, better readability. Passive Sentences readability score,
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He was sentenced to death. Definition of sentence Define sentence What is the meaning of sentence? What's the definition of sentence?
Definition of sentence - WordReference.com Dictionary
sentence Definition from dictionary. pronounce a sentence on (somebody) in a court of law; "He was condemned to ten years in prison". Category Tree:
Sentence (linguistics) - definition of Sentence (linguistics
In linguistics, the sentence is a unit of language, characterised in most languages by the presence of a finite verb. For example, "The quick brown fox
Sentence - Glossary Definition - UsingEnglish.com
Sentence - Definition from our glossary of English linguistic and grammatical terms containing explanations and cross-references to other relevant English
Definition of sentence - WordReference.com Dictionary
sentence Definition from dictionary. pronounce a sentence on (somebody) in a court of law; "He was condemned to ten years in prison". Category Tree:
Sentence (linguistics) - definition of Sentence (linguistics
In linguistics, the sentence is a unit of language, characterised in most languages by the presence of a finite verb. For example, "The quick brown fox
Sentence - Glossary Definition - UsingEnglish.com
Sentence - Definition from our glossary of English linguistic and grammatical terms containing explanations and cross-references to other relevant English
Citations: Syntactic Markedness and the Definition of Sentence
Davison, Alice (1984). Syntactic Markedness and the Definition of Sentence Topic.
Definition of Sentence Fluency. Sentence Fluency In any piece of writing, there are many possible ways to write any sentence correctly, but usually,
Sentence method - definition of Sentence method by the Free Online
Definition of Sentence method in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of Sentence method. What does Sentence method mean? Sentence method synonyms, Sentence
SUO: Topic :> Definition Of Sentence
To: SUO <standard-upper-ontology@ieee.org>; Subject: SUO: Topic :> Definition Of Sentence; From: Jon Awbrey <jawbrey@att.net>; Date: Thu,
FILE: III-1-4 OBJECTIVE:To provide students an opportunity to
A.The definition of sentence coordination is:. (copy the definition here). B.The definition of sentence subordination is:. (copy the definition here)
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