MISCIO - Meta Information System for Cnr Interlibraries Opac Periodico:, Applied Physics Letters. presente presso:. Document delivery - Biblioteca dell'Area della Ricerca di Bologna, OPAC - Biblioteca dell'Area della APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Applied Physics Letters is a weekly journal featuring concise, up-to-date reports on significant new findings in applied physics. Electronic Journals from Institute of Physics Publishing: Current Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics Chinese Physics, Chinese Physics Letters, Classical and Quantum Gravity, Clinical Physics and Physiological Surface-tension-driven nanoelectromechanical relaxation oscillator Department of Physics, University of California at Berkeley, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 86, 123119 2005. 0003-6951/2005/86 12 /123119/3/$22.50
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Applied Physics Letters is a weekly journal featg concise, up-to-date repor on significant new findings in applied physics. Electronic Journals from Institute of Physics Publishing: Current Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics Chinese Physics, Chinese Physics Letters, Clical and Quantum Gravity, Clinical Physics and Physiological Surface-tension-driven nanoelectromechanical relaxation oscillator Department of Physics, University of California at Berkeley, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 86, 123119 2005. 0003-6951/2005/86 12 /123119/3/$22.50 Monolithic low-transition-temperature superconducting magnetometers Department of Physics and Astronomy, Vanderbilt University, 6301 APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. VOLUME 82, NUMBER 20. 19 MAY 2003 Applied Physics Letters Two of the five most important papers published in the 43-year history of the journal Applied Physics Letters were written by researchers at the University Harvard University engineers demonstrate laser nanoantenna Engineers and applied scientis from Harvard University have demonstrated a new the findings are published in the journal Applied Physics Letters. MISCIO Meta Information System for Cnr Interlibraries Opac Periodico:, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Letters Part.2. presente presso:. Doent delivery Biblioteca dell'Area della Ricerca di Bologna Dettaglio rivista Titolo, Applied physics letters. Editore, American institute of physics (AIP). Issn, print 0003-6951; online 1077-3118. Formato, Elettronico