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LCS INTERVIEW :: Pietari Posti
What’s next in the pipeline for Pietari Posti? I would like to get involved more in the world of illustrating books. You can see more of Pietari Posti’s work at www.pposti.com. Contribute an interview to the LCS
reply to please read! - can we blog your photos?
wayfaring stranger posted a reply:. it's fine
Pietari Posti
We’re huge fans of Barcelona based freelance artist Pietari Posti’s work. Originally from Helsinki, Finland, Pietari says during his childhood other kids would ask him to play, but he preferred to stay inside and draw.
Full Screen Group Slide Show
Andreas Helke posted a new topic:. It dit not take long for group slide shows making their appearance In Tinou Bao´s slide show tool. Unfortunagely it is not possible to sort them by interestingness. So groups with mostly good pictures
pietari posti draws nice.
I really like the illustrations of pietari posti. I love the color and the bubbly, bouncy quality of this particular drawing. It makes me feel happy. Thanks to josh spear for the tip
Pietari Posti | mschmidt
Pietari Posti does images for editorials, publishing and advertising. And he does them all very well
Reply to New "outstanding" groups
Andreas Helke posted a reply:. I'd like to see a few more outstanding groups too. As long as they are still missing there is my 5 FAV series. With only 5 favorites the conditions are less stringent but the group pools are still
posti #2
similar test post. No TagsNo Tags
sorry for late posti will save this as a draft an
sorry for late post. i will save this as a draft and edit 2moro. coz im using my father's labtop. which has this stupid problem. ok, bye
Reply to PLEASE READ! - Can we blog your photos?
PhillipC posted a reply:. fine

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Classe di laurea. Tutte, Classe delle lauree in biotecnologie(1), Classe delle lauree in disegno industriale(42), Classe delle lauree in filosofia(29)
Normativa MAGGIO 2006
Oggetto: Riserve dei posti ex art. 8 bis del D.L. n. 136/2004 convertito con modificazioni nella legge n. 186/2004 - Sentenza Corte Costituzionale n.
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Cle di laurea. Tutte, Cle delle lauree in biotecnologie(1), Cle delle lauree in disegno industriale(42), Cle delle lauree in filosofia(29)
Normativa MAGGIO 2006
Oggetto: Riserve dei posti ex art. 8 bis del D.L. n. 136/2004 convertito con modificazioni nella legge n. 186/2004 Sentenza Corte Costituzionale n.
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