Micrel führt neuen stromsparenden LDO ein, der die Batteriehaltbarkeit für tragbare Verbraucheranwendungen verlängert SYS-CON Media Micrel Inc. (Nasdaq: MCRL), ein Branchenführer für IC-Lösungen im Bereich der Ethernet-, Analog- und Breitbandkommunikation, führte heute den MIC5232 ein, einen neuen 10 mA-LDO, der Stromsparfunktionen für eine verlängerte Batteriehaltbarkeit bietet. 5. Jenaer Lasertagung Campus Germany Am 23. und 24. November 2006 führen die Fachhochschule Jena und das Institut für Fügetechnik und Werkstoffprüfung GmbH Jena sowie die Einrichtungen des Laserberatungsverbundes Thüringen die 5. Jenaer Lasertagung durch. AROUND THE WORLD: A FEAST FOR ALL NATIONS Daily Record IN Australia, Christmas falls in the middle of summer, so the traditional snack left out for Santa, whose sleigh is apparently pulled by eight white kangaroos, often includes a cooling beer. Hilarious confusion abounds in Bard's 'Twelfth Night' The Cincinnati Enquirer Unlike the hidden identities in "Twelfth Night," the talent in a Country Day performance is wide open. Fable about death and power lives on Houston Chronicle Conductor James Conlon brings Viktor Ullmann's The Emperor from Atlantis (Der Kaiser von Atlantis) to Houston Thursday for a single semi-staged performance at Congregation Beth Israel. Exploring Composers and Their God The New York Sun Leon Botstein and the American Symphony Orchestra inaugurated their new season at Avery Fisher Hall with a concert designed to demonstrate the relationships between five diverse composers and their God.The program, titled "The Art of the Psalm," was shaped as if it were a major choral symphony in five movements, something Gustav Mahler might have conceived. The event began with the devout Italian Language Week activities Times of Malta From tomorrow to Sunday, the Italian Cultural Institute and the Italian Embassy will be celebrating the sixth Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel Mondo (Italian Language Week), which was first launched in 2001 by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Accademia della Crusca, and the Ministry for Italians Abroad, with the support of other important Italian institutions. Escape's picks of the week The Observer Whether you hope to spend your holiday feeding pigs on an organic farm, want an organic full English from your B&B or need an organic veg box delivered to your tent, Organic Places to Stay, by Linda Moss, will prove a vital resource.
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