Origins of our Kennel's Name


To discover the origins of the name 'du Royaume d'Ursita' we must go back in time.

In 1992, a pair of Pyrenean dogs arrived to our home from two equally prestigious French breeders.

  The majestic Highlander de Gabizos came from 

the famous Monastery of hermet nuns in the Southern Pyrenees, 

while Honfleur du Duche de Savoy came from the well known kennel of our dear friend Raymond Ducrey. 

Monursita, whose name derives from the French racehorse Ursita, 

was born to Highlander and Honfleur in 1996.

This name struck me in particular because she reminded me so much of a little bear....

besides bears happen to be my favourite animal!

All puppies born in that year were to be given a name commencing with the letter M, 

as dictates French traditions, and so, we added 'Mon' in front of Ursita to get Monursita.

During this period we found a new home for our Pyreneans immersed in total nature, 

which became their Realm.

The name Du Royaume d'Ursita is the result of these events.

In fact, the Realm is dedicated to Monursita for everything and more which she has given to us.

In 2001 the kennel officially took the name 'du Royaume d'Ursita.'