Noweta Gardens Gladiolus Flower Bulbs
Gladiolus flower bulbs with detailed planting instructions, zone map and range
of temperatures.
Eastern Michigan University (EMU) Astronomy Club: Light Pollution
Essays on the causes and effects of light pollution, as well as information about
local regulations to combat the problem.
Borghese Gardens
Seeds, seedlings and bulbs of rare and unusual trees, herbs, flowers, vegetables,
and house plants.
Growco Indoor Gardening
Hydroponic and intense lighting systems plus grow room supplies and nutrients.
Photo by
Lamp Recycling Services and Bulb Crushing System - Air Cycle ...
Provider for lamp, bulb, battery and ballast recycling in the United States.
Thomas Edison
All of Thomas Edison's major inventions and a collection of biographies on this
prolific inventor.
Thomas Edison Depot Museum
Exhibits are housed in an old train depot building. A restored baggage car on a
spur of railroad track displays young Edison's mobile chemistry lab and printing ...
The Land of Anne
Librarian, knitter, and punk band guitarist/singer shares material of interest
and results of various personal surveys.
Red River Valley Garden Club
Provides information about events and issues for gardeners in the Northern plains.
Modified Newtonian Dynamics
Overview of a controversial theory which is not generally accepted by the
astrophysical community.
Poison Control Center
Children's Hospital of Michigan provides advice on help for a poisoned pet, and
prevention methods specific to summer and winter.