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CILIP communities
Phil Bradley mentions the CILIP communities and says, rightly, that we should make much more noise about them. I was part of the pilot, but it's now open to all CILIP members. I think part of the problem is that closed communities like
Roper Mountain Woods, Greenville, SC
11/24/2006 - Recommended - [click to read all reviews
Veteran oak in the High Weald
As it is National Tree Week (22 November - 3 December), I thought I would post a picture of a wonderful ancient oak tree I came across a few days ago. It is deep in the countryside to the south of Burwash Weald, East Sus and clearly
nytimes does an about face
those self rightous blankety blanks at the new york times publish a mea culpa on the swift banking story. there were reasons to publish the controversial article, but they were
Message in a ballad
I have always enjoyed Private Passions, the thinking man or woman's Desert Island Discs, in which the composer Michael Berkeley asks guests about their musical passions. I was very pleased to come across a copy of a book,
Librarains in the Guardian
It's Online next week, so the Guardian Work Supplement has a feature, career focus: Information Professionals. It looks as if they couldn't be bothered to put it on the web site though, which is strange.
Hennesey Gold Cup Day
205 Newbury: Inglis Drever 240 Newbury: State of Play 300 Newcastle: Neptune Collonges 315 Newbury: Claymore 330 Newcastle: Desert Quest. I note from the Racing Post that the forty races involved in the HRA's investigation,
Roam Around Roper
I stumbled across this artist's, James Roper, site today. I love the paintings and he also has some amazing work in other media such as digital, film and sculpture. Surf his site for a while and get a lesson on color
RIN Workshop: presentations now available
Links to the presentations given at the 14 November workshop on the RIN/DTI/RCUK Evidence-based Analysis of Data on Scholarly Journal Publishing are now at the bottom of the workshop page, along with a crisper and more concise summary
Choosing the best children's books of the past seventy years
Next year will be an anniversary for two of the more worthwhile and less commercialised book awards, the fiftieth for the Carnegie Medal for children's books and the seventieth for the Kate Greenaway medal for illustration in a

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