Windows XP Home Page Discover the Microsoft Windows XP operating system. Find links to information and resources about upgrading and how you can get the most from Windows XP. Solaris Enterprise System Solaris Enterprise System: Get easy access to enterprise-class software, including the Solaris 10 OS, the Java Enterprise System--and more--at no cost. Progetto Argos: home page (Art and Restoration Glossary Operating System) è un progetto finalizzato alla costituzione di una serie di Glossari nel settore dell’arte, dell’artigianato The NetBSD Project NetBSD is a free multi-platform operating system based on 4.4BSD Lite. ACCESS Announces New Global Web Portal Maker of Palm OS, the operating system used on many PDAs. What is operating system? - a definition from Whatis.com - see An operating system (sometimes abbreviated as OS) is the program that, after being initially loaded into the computer by a boot program, manages all the Sistema operativo - Wikipedia 2.1 Monitor; 2.2 Interprete; 2.3 DOS (Disk Operating Systems); 2.4 Sistema multitask; 2.5 Sistema multiutente; 2.6 Sistema operativo real-time OSNews.com OSNews.com informs you about the latest news on a vast range of operating systems, from the well-known mainstream OSes, down to small embedded (but also Symbian OS - the mobile operating system Software licensing company that develops and licenses Symbian OS, an open industry standard operating system for data enabled mobile phones. Computer Operating Systems Helping you with questions you may have about computer operating systems as well as linking you to all the major computer operating systems.
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