Presentation on Building Applications in Shale
http://dchooge.myweb.uga.edu/Setting_up_Shale.ppt This presentation goes over all required files for a Shale application as well as how to tie them all together. Additionally I go over some of the optional files and outline how they fit
Shale v. Struts Presentation
My presentation comparing Shale and Struts is available at: http://dchooge.myweb.uga.edu/Shale_Presentation.ppt
PowerPoint Presentation on Enterprise Software Engineering
The presentation on Enterprise Software Engineering is available at: http://dchooge.myweb.uga.edu/Enterprise_Presentation.ppt
Model-driven software engineering, Tampere, Finland, 9-11.8.2006
Edit: added the link to my ppt file. Last week I had the pleasure of attending (and also speaking at) a very high-quality event about model-driven software engineering. The main speakers were world-class experts on modeling,
Measures and Measurement for Secure Software Development
20, 2000. http://iase.disa.mil/ditscap/ditsprimer.ppt. Woody, Carol; Hall, Anthony; & Clark, Humphrey, Watts S. A Discipline for Software Engineering. ISO/IEC 15939:2002, Software engineering – Software Measurement Process.
Aspect-oriented Software Development and PHP
Aspect Oriented Software Development (AOSD) is a methodology meant to implement new aspects in software design, programming, reverse-engineering and re-engineering; http://www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/C.Courbis/papers/12jan04Board.ppt
Human Computer Interaction HCI
Next, you approach a civil engineer or contractor who works on calculating for industrial products, users psychology and software engineering. Their deliverables are mostly in the form of document or an html/flash/ppt prototype.
SMBx: The Revolution of the SMB Application Marketplace
Dave Ferguson, Engineering Director, Google Are we ready for a major software revolution or is this all hype? available online directly using Zoho QuickRead (formats supported: doc, xls, ppt, odt, rtf, sxw, sxc, sxi, pps)]
Sick of spam? Have another drink…of it.
Here’s an interesting research on “Examining Internet Privacy Policies Within the Context of Use Privacy Values” :”In this paper, we present research bridging the gap between management and software requirements engineering.
Software Engineering Challenges for Ubiquitous Computing
I attended the workshop on Software Engineering Challenges for Ubiquitous Computing what kind of problems software engineers in the automotive space are facing. [PPT] Talk: Software Considerations for Automotive Pervasive Systems
Software Engineering
Software engineering (SE) is an intellectual activity and thus human-intensive; Software is built to meet a certain functional goal and certain
Microsoft PowerPoint 1.Security2003.ppt
Software Engineering Vs. Politica di Sicurezza: Software Engineering and Security (1/4). Software Engineering and Security (1/4)
Software Engineering
Challenge: Match the product to an area of the Software Engineering Software Engineering has a bright future (job opportunities)
Microsoft PowerPoint software engineering.ppt
Software Engineering. The science concerned with putting Software Engineering has been. the design of. Ada Programming Language!
Microsoft PowerPoint 02-ProcessoDiSviluppoSistCompl.ppt
Integration and. system testing. Delivery and. maintenance. waterfall model. Ghezzi, Jazayeri, Mandrioli – Foundamentals of software engineering – Ch. 1
Project management
To introduce software engineering and to explain i importance Software engineering is concerned with cost-effective software development.
Software Engineering
More and more systems are software controlled. Software engineering is concerned with theories, methods and tools for professional software development.
Microsoft PowerPoint Famiglie di Prodotti Software.ppt
at Software Engineering Institute). • ODM – Organization Domain Modeling (M. Simos). • Draco (J. Neighbors). • DARE – Domain ysis and Reuse Environment
Microsoft PowerPoint idTV_broadcaster_italiano_09_06.ppt
con le attività di software engineering. Capire come questi differenti ruoli possano integrarsi. efficacemente rappresenta la sfida per ciascuno dei nostri
Advanced Software Engineering Agent-Oriented Software Engineering
(Requiremen Engineering). Paolo Giorgini. http://www.dit.unitn.it/˜pgiorgio. Progetti Software. Tuttavia del 26% non tutti sono esenti da problemi:
software+engineering+ppt: software+engineering+ppt