syntax error,plz help
<?php }?> <tr> <td width="100%" colspan="4"> <hr size="1" color="red" NOSHADE> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" colspan="4"> <font face="verdana" size="1" color="black"> <a href="cart.php"> View Your Shopping Cart >></a> </font>
What to look for in a PHP Shopping Cart Software | Part 2
A quality PHP shopping cart is capable of sending out receipts and confirmation emails for you. This makes it extremely convenient for you to stay in touch with your customers and provide them with the attention most customers look for
CAn anyone provide me a very simple code for shopping cart?
Title:CAn anyone provide me a very simple code for shopping cart? Good day, I am newbie in PHP. I wish to learn to implement a shopping cart. Since i start doing my final year project with the title "buy and sell books".
Why The PHP Shopping Cart Software Could Be Your Ecommerce
If you are someone looking to sell stuff online, then the PHP shopping cart software is for you. With the ability to build a search engine friendly online store, there is no wonder why people are using this as their ecommerce solution.
PHP Shopping Cart Software Could Be Your Ecommerce Solution| Part 2
One of the biggest advantages to PHP shopping cart software is the ability to test it out prior to purchasing it. You can download a 14-day free trial to test out the features and play around with the software to see if this is exactly
PHP Shopping Cart Software
I need the Source Code of a PHP shopping cart software compatible with PayPal I will purchase Private Label Right Software E Books and Articles Shop Script should be a turnkey ecommerce shopping cart software features plus exclusive
Finding The Right Criteria For Shopping Cart Software
criteria for shopping cart software easy to use shopping cart software ecommerce shopping cart Free Easy Shopping Cart Software PHP Shopping Cart criteria for shopping cart software easy to use shopping cart software ecommerce shopping
CAn anyone provide me a very simple code for shopping cart?
Forum: PHP Posted By: cty Post Time: Dec 14th 2006 at 1:35 am
What to look for in a PHP Shopping Cart Software | Part 1
criteria for shopping cart software eCommerce advice eCommerce Hosting php shopping cart software podcasting shopping cart software criteria for shopping cart software eCommerce advice eCommerce Hosting php shopping cart software
PHP General: Php - Mysql Data help
Hi all, newbie/php/mySQL I am in the process of designing a shopping cart for a uniform website. Part of the requirements is that the customer/guest should be able to choose the size of uniform(s) that he wants.
shopping+cart+software+php: shopping+cart+software+php