a sad form factor of business
Today, Palm no longer owns the PalmOS (a different company does now) and the Treo runs the Windows Mobile software of its former enemies. So what is the Treo about these days? Unless you buy a PalmOS model, where the core of the
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Orange Treo 600 Software
>I have purchased a 2nd user Treo from Ebay and it is missing the orange > > Software Cd. > > Can anyone point me in the direction on where to get this? > > > > I have downloaded the hotsync software from the Palm site I just dont
Technology Stufff
So, I broke down and bought a Palm Treo smart phone. I've had a Palm forever but ran into some issues with my last one when its battery completely died (I Frankly, I don't use the Palm software since MS has its own applications.
Treo 680 hangs on install Agendus 11.06
I am trying to install Agendus for Palm OS 11.06 on my new Treo 680. I was using Agendus for Palm 10.4 on my Treo 650 and everything worked fine. I reinstalled all my software on the new Treo 680 Ads by Yahoo
New Version of Spot GPS Application Released
Filed under: Software, Fun. The folks at Skylab Mobilesystems have released an update to their Spot application. 7130 series, 7250, 7290 and 8700 series); Palm OS powered devices (including Palm Treo 600, 650, 680, 700p)
The Palm Treo 700p Palm OS Smartphone Review
So, what do I think of the Treo 700p? I’m actually pretty impressed, even though the Palm software hasn’t changed much in the time since I’ve been gone. In some ways it’s like saying hello to an old friend, but in other ways it’s like
Windows/Bluetooth blues? :: Attribute is not set for record
I've got Sailing Clicker installed on my computer and my Treo 650. Bluetooth is working. But when I choose Clicker from the Treo and press Connect I get the error BTW I'm running the Clicker trial version, with the Clicker for Palm
Palm Treo 750v Windows Mobile Smartphone
The Treo product line was praised by a lot of loyal Palm fans but didn't manage to draw as many new users compared to Windows Mobile (then called just PocketPC) powered devices, mainly because of its relatively weak multimedia
Palm Treo 680: Looking good
If you were among the folks who thought this was going to be the announcement where Palm unveils a Treo with a next-generation version of the Palm OS, sorry, no dice. Not yet. While Palm remains tight-lipped about what the next step for
Palm Welcome to the Treo Store
palm. United States & Canada. visit other country sites · home · the Treo store; order by phone: 1.800.881.7256; owner resources
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Essential Software for all Palm, Treo, Clie and Pocket PC Devices.
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Support Updates. To update your Palm software, please select your model from below: Treo 650 Serial Software Update. for Sprint PCS (only)
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Shop our selection of 29000+ palm software titles. New releases and beselling applications in over 15 categories including games, movies, music,
Palm Treo 680: primissime impressioni d'uso
Palm Treo 680: primissime impressioni d'uso. Dopo aver pubblicato la prova di Treo 650 usato a fondo e in condizioni ambientali inusuali ecco le primissime
Palm Treo 700p: ritorno alle origini
Palm Treo 700p: ritorno alle origini. Palm, ormai sempre più focalizzata sul modem esterno per i portatili predisposti, senza alcun software aggiuntivo.
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Palm Treo 650 + TomTom Navigator 6 Bluetooth OFFERTA NATALE 178
Palm Treo 650 + TomTom Navigator 6 Bluetooth OFFERTA NATALE 178 € Treo 650 è software per Windows, software per Mac, Treo 650, batteria, auricolari,
Morse :: Leggi il Topic Treo 650 e sincronizzazione con Thunderbird
Avevo disinstallato Thunderbird dopo che mi era arrivato il Palm, Spero che tra poco il software venga stabilizzato e magari integrato ancora meglio con
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