Review: Sage Act 2007 CRM software Personal Computer World
Now in its ninth iteration, ACT 2007 looks set to keep Sage at the top of the customer relationship management (CRM) tree with important new Outlook integration and productivity enhancements in this release.
Review: Capturing memories in HD AP via Yahoo! News
With high-definition televisions showing up everywhere from living rooms to sports bars, it's making more sense to capture life's moments — our kids' first steps, school plays and Little League games — with the same resolution and clarity.
Some of year's coolest high-tech products get another shout-out USA Today
It seems no less remarkable, now that it has finally happened. With great fanfare and unexpected haste, Apple made over its entire computer line this year with chips from Intel, the longtime partner of Apple rival Microsoft. Also this year, Microsoft radically redesigned its long-dominant Office software suite, even as it revamps the next version of Windows, known as Vista. Even the once homely,
BrandAssistant for QuarkXPress 7 Launched The Mac Observer
Canto Software announced the immediate availability of BrandAssistant, a digital asset management system for QuarkXPress 7, on Thursday
Editorial roundup AP via Yahoo! News
Excerpts from recent editorials in newspapers in the United States and abroad:
Pablo Neruda Academy's Micah Jordan Wins the New York Citywide Competition of the 'National Vocabulary Championship' Broadcast Newsroom
Jordan Outperforms 95 Other Top Vocabulary Scholars and Wins $5,000 Toward a Higher Education Savings Plan and Qualifies to Compete March 5 at the National Vocabulary Championship Finals in New York C
Editorial roundup Boston Globe
Excerpts from recent editorials in newspapers in the United States and abroad: Dec. 7
Pablo Neruda Academy's Micah Jordan Wins the New York Citywide Competition of the 'National Vocabulary Championship' PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
Micah Jordan, a 16-year-old junior at Pablo Neruda Academy in the Bronx outperformed 95 other local vocabulary high school scholars tonight, winning the first-ever NVC New York Citywide Championship.
Get the Power of a Data Warehouse in the Palm of Your Hand Small Biz Pipeline
What's smarter than a smartphone? An intelligentphone--a cell phone that displays business intelligence served up by an enterprise-class analytics system.
Power Of A Data Warehouse In The Palm Of Your Hand InformationWeek
Business intelligence vendors create scaled-down applications for smartphones
palm Blast!: The Ultimate Palm OS Information Source - Palm Software
The Ultimate palm Source for palm Shareware, palm Freeware, Reviews, Hardware, Discussion, and more! Palm OS software, Palm Blast, Palmone, Handspring
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Find the software you're looking for at Download.com, the most comprehensive source for free-to-try software downloads on the Web. Includes audio programs
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Palm Desktop - View, sort, find, edit, back up, and add anything to your Palm OS handheld. - Review and free download at Download.com.
MobileTechReview.com Software Reviews: Palm OS Software
MobileTechReview.com Software Reviews: Palm OS Software.
EuroCool - EuroCool - Palm and Visor software
The site for Palm, Visor and Workpad software applications. The site includes an extensive the apps receiving the best reviews from PalmPilot users.
Geek.com PDA Software Review: TomTom Navigator for Palm
Geek.com - TomTom Navigator for Palm, The Online Resource for Geeks.
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Downloads and software from Tucows the largest online software download site. This is a Palm picture viewer, editor, organizer and photo capture.
Palm Software Sites
Looking for the best software on Palm based PDAs? This section will give your Guide's software choices and some interesting off site software reviews.
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Be the first to review this application. Downloads:. 86 (total) 0 (this month) Other Software required for usage:; BDicty Dictionary Reader for Palm OS
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