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Movistar and Palm Launch Treo 700wx in Venezuela Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
CARACAS, Venezuela----Movistar and Palm, Inc. today launched the Palm® Treo 700wx smartphone in Venezuela. The Treo 700wx combines a great mobile phone, comprising all the functionality and ease of use for which Treo smartphones are known, with the power and security of Microsoft Windows Mobile 5.0 favored by many businesses.
BrandAssistant for QuarkXPress 7 Launched The Mac Observer
Canto Software announced the immediate availability of BrandAssistant, a digital asset management system for QuarkXPress 7, on Thursday
Editorial roundup AP via Yahoo! News
Excerpts from recent editorials in newspapers in the United States and abroad:
Editorial roundup Boston Globe
Excerpts from recent editorials in newspapers in the United States and abroad: Dec. 7
Pablo Neruda Academy's Micah Jordan Wins the New York Citywide Competition of the 'National Vocabulary Championship' Broadcast Newsroom
Jordan Outperforms 95 Other Top Vocabulary Scholars and Wins $5,000 Toward a Higher Education Savings Plan and Qualifies to Compete March 5 at the National Vocabulary Championship Finals in New York C
AirPort Update 2006-002 Released The Mac Observer
Apple has posted an AirPort updater for the MacBook and MacBook Pro Core 2 Duos
Pablo Neruda Academy's Micah Jordan Wins the New York Citywide Competition of the 'National Vocabulary Championship' PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
Micah Jordan, a 16-year-old junior at Pablo Neruda Academy in the Bronx outperformed 95 other local vocabulary high school scholars tonight, winning the first-ever NVC New York Citywide Championship.
Lakeview student wins Just Read, Florida! Contest West Orange Times
When school started this year at Lakeview Middle School, Brianna McCoy couldn't stop talking about her favorite book - Peter and the Starcatchers. Her contagious enthusiasm for the book by Florida authors Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson impressed her language arts teacher, Jillian Aber.
Made to fit E4: Engineering
The development of IT seems to be accelerating so fast that it risks bewildering the user. With electronic items sprouting extra functions like the mythological hydra, learning to use — or just select — a new function can be a Herculean task.
Research In Motion Sues Samsung Over BlackJack Name LinuxInsider.com
Research In Motion is suing hand-held device maker Samsung, claiming the company is causing confusion and diminishing the brand power of RIM's BlackBerry by selling a smartphone known as the BlackJack. The suit claims that the rival is guilty of "false designation of origin," or of misleading consumers by suggesting the devices are somehow related to the BlackBerry.
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