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RoGame Software Releases EarMan 1.0 For Palm OS Harmony Central
Ear training is a substantial building block in music education. Practicing this skill happens mostly during class or with a private tutor and takes quite some time. With EarMan, students are now able to take these lessons when and where they like.
Palm buys back rights to Palm OS Ars Technica
Palm pays $44 million to license the source code to Palm OS from ACCESS Systems America, the current owner of the code. Remind us again why Palm split?
BrandAssistant for QuarkXPress 7 Launched The Mac Observer
Canto Software announced the immediate availability of BrandAssistant, a digital asset management system for QuarkXPress 7, on Thursday
Palm Pays $44M For Perpetual OS License InternetNews.com
An analyst says the 'survival' agreement ensures Palm OS has a future.
Palm licenses Palm OS for $44 million TG Daily
Palm, former owner and developer of Palm OS, has licensed the operating system from its new owner Access.
DealsOnTheWeb.com - LaCie Mobile 120GB 2.5-inch Portable External Hard Drive: $83.28 Delivered The Mac Observer
TMO's DealsOnTheWeb found the LaCie Mobile 120GB 2.5-inch Portable External Hard Drive for only $83.26. This drive runs at 5400rpm, and it ships for free
Palm pays $44m for Palm OS source code licence The Register
How to buy back PalmSource without buying back PalmSource Palm has effectively committed itself to producing handheld devices based on the Palm OS - which it no longer owns - by agreeing to pay $44m for a perpetual licence for the source code underlying the Garnet incarnation of the operating system. The move is tantamount to Palm re-acquiring PalmSource.…
WakefieldSoft Releases AutoFile Plus Software for Vehicle Fuel, Trip, Service Tracking PR Web
WakefieldSoft, LLC announces the release of a new software product - AutoFile Plus. AutoFile Plus will conveniently track vehicle fuel use, fuel economy, trips, mileage, service and maintenance, service reminders, and more. (PRWeb Dec 11, 2006)
Palm Signs Perpetual License for Palm OS Garnet Source Code and Expanded Patent Rights From ACCESS Systems Americas Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
SUNNYVALE, Calif.----Palm, Inc. today announced it has signed an agreement with ACCESS Systems Americas, Inc. to license the source code for Palm OS Garnet, the version of the Palm OS used in several Treo smartphone models and all Palm® handheld computers.
Americans lag behind Europeans in smartphone adoption, says research European Communications
European consumers have been faster to adopt ‘smart’ mobile phones than their American counterparts, according to Telephia, the provider of syndicated consumer research to the telecom and mobile media markets.
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