Copy text from Web without reformatting The Times of Northwest Indiana
Q: I often find information on the Internet that I want to copy into a Microsoft Word document. When I do this, however, the text comes into Word looking ugly and almost unreadable. How can I get around this?
NAS management software specifications Computer Weekly
Network attached storage (NAS) appliances and gateways must be configured and managed using software tools that allow administrators to allocate space, manage RAID and storage behaviors, perform routine maintenance, and other tasks. Management software ideally provides interoperability with a variety of NAS devices from different vendors and can automate many of the routine management tasks that
TECHNOLOGY: Gaming PCs put even the newest consoles to shame The Morning Call
The new video game consoles already look pretty wimpy compared with the latest gaming PCs. The Wii? Whatever. The Xbox 360? No match. The PlayStation 3? You can't find one anyway.
top-of-the-line game machines Baltimore Sun
Expect speed, power and dazzling graphics from these babies, but they set you back thousands of dollars The new video game consoles already look pretty wimpy compared with the latest gaming PCs. The Wii? Whatever. The Xbox 360? No match. The PlayStation 3? You can't find one anyway.
IBM And AMD Unveil Breakthroughs In 45-Nanometer Chip Production InformationWeek
It looks like the sometimes-raging debate over whether journalists should quote industry analysts be they technology or financial specialists has flared up again, this time in an interesting story in a U.K.-based IT publication.
Dear Santa Pensacola News Journal
Area nonprofits hope residents can spread a little cheer their way this holiday season.
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News briefs
Follow a Few Rules to Line Up Favorites RedNova
Q. Please tell me how to put my Internet Favorites list in alphabetical order. I did it once, and now I cannot remember. _Claire Lichtenstein @yahoo.com A. This sounds simple as falling off a rock, until you try to write about it in a newspaper, Ms. L.
Stocking Stuffers: Tools and Tips ECommerce-Guide
To help you get through the busy holiday season, today we report on two tools you can use right away to help run your business more efficiently, as well as provide some tips on how to spot Scrooges who are trying to bilk you with bogus actions and suggest a way to gain local exposure for your Web shop.
FoxTrot 1.2, PowerMail 5.5.2 released MacNN
CTM Development has released FoxTrot 1.2 and PowerMail 5.5.2, updating the personal search and email applications. FoxTrot 1.2 includes a new version of the FoxTrot core search engine with accelerated wildcard searches and multiple partial words. FoxTrot 1.2 adds a new feature to work around some of the limitations of the Microsoft Office Spotlight
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download the newest software for your keyboard, mouse, desktop set, or trackball. Final software and information for using Microsoft Hardware devices with the
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Wireless Intellimouse Explorer
When you install Microsoft IntelliPoint software on a computer, you may receive not respond when you use a Microsoft mouse or an IntelliMouse pointing device
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Microsoft Wireless Notebook Optical Mouse
The Microsoft mouse pointer moves erratically or does not respond when mouse software that interfers with the latest versions of IntelliPoint software
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Online shopping for Hewlett-Packard computers, printers, and scanners, as well as paper, ink, and toner cartridges
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Download freeware and shareware software utilities. IntelliPoint software enables you to customize the unique features of your Microsoft® mouse.
Microsoft IntelliType Mouse Software/Keyboard Software 5.3 - DriverHeaven.net
Microsoft IntelliType Mouse Software/Keyboard Software 5.3 News IntelliPoint software enables you to customize the unique features of your Microsoft® mouse. microsoft+mouse+software: microsoft+mouse+software