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Psychiatric Diagnosis
You can use this program to diagnose major psychiatric disorders
Re: Medical PALM pilot programs AKA PDA programs in full working
Epocrates software - Epocrates Essentials > > 2. e General Medical - PDA and Education Resource Database PDA > Medical Software > > 2.9.18 Psychiatric Drug Textbook of Physical Diagnosis 4th Ed -medical- 12 131 > > Minor Surgery
115 Ways To Earn Money With Your Computer
Enhance medical diagnosis and treatments. 74. Create electronic marketing tools. 75. Do independent software documentation. 76. Teach people how to use microcomputers. 77. Become your own computer book publisher
Free Medical PDA Software
Differential diagnosis software. Search by disease, symptom or organ system. http://books.mcgraw-hill.com/medical/diagnosaurus/index.html. 3. Johns Hopkins Antibiotics Guide. Palm Only. This is a handheld version of the Johns Hopkins
Ludhiana-based doctor develops software for correct diagnosis
In an effort to help doctors in making accurate diagnosis of their patients, a Ludhiana-based medico claims to have developed and designed a medical software that would enable them to detect the disease at the click of the mouse
IPlan Neuroradiology: Advanced Image Analysis Software For
BrainLAB AG, a global leader in image-guided medical technology, today announced the availability of iPlan(R) Neuroradiology, which provides advanced image processing tools for both diagnosis and planning. [click link for full article
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Worse, medical researchers can find themselves unable to share data easily with colleagues—something that they need to do constantly in order to improve understanding for diagnosis and treatment. Two enterprising medical doctors
Croskerry P. The importance of cognitive errors in diagnosis and strategies which software algorithms generate patient-specific recommendations by matching decisions preventable medical errors? A case of cascade iatrogenesis.
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"First, let's set criteria for what makes software great. One of the best, the Mycin medical diagnosis system, could correctly identify AI software can be impressive, but all my examples fall short of being among the greatest.
“It seems that patients use Google to diagnose their own medical disorders too. to ask “How googe is google in helping doctors to reach the right diagnosis” I think is not unlike the peer-to-peer production of software hacking,
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