Review: McAfee Internet Security 2007 software Computer Active
Is this internet security suite both comprehensive and low-impact?
NAS management software specifications Computer Weekly
Network attached storage (NAS) appliances and gateways must be configured and managed using software tools that allow administrators to allocate space, manage RAID and storage behaviors, perform routine maintenance, and other tasks. Management software ideally provides interoperability with a variety of NAS devices from different vendors and can automate many of the routine management tasks that
Software provides data compression, access, and management. ThomasNet
StuffIt Deluxe® v9.5 for Windows reduces size of JPEG images up to 30% with no loss in image quality. Program includes strong encrypted Zip support, allowing user to open encrypted Zip files using 256-bit AES method. Users can save, Zip, and send documents from Word®, Excel®, or Outlook® with single click. They can also schedule backups to run automatically, and are protected from hidden viruses
'Leak' Test of 21 Personal Firewalls Slashdot
mork writes "Matousec.com, as part of a larger analysis of personal firewalls on Windows, has conducted a thorough leak test of 21 pieces of firewall software. Leak tests imitate common methods used by trojans or spyware to send your information from your computer. Windows Firewall XP SP2 fails every test, so the fears that the days of third party firewall software was over seem groundless.
Microsoft Ships Forefront Security for Exchange '07 eWeek
The server security package includes Microsoft's first attempt to build its own anti-malware technology, and analysts predict a positive impact on the market.
Free and fierce USA Today
We all know the malware / phishing / general bad-people situation is getting worse on the Interwebs, and that the protection that might have been sufficient even last year is quite likely outgunned by now. Case in point: I run
Positive Networks Launches PositivePROTM Version 3.5: A Secure Remote Access Service with Automatic Provisioning, Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
OVERLAND PARK, Kan.----Positive Networks, a leading provider of hosted/managed, secure remote access services, today introduced PositivePRO 3.5, the newest version of the company's award-winning secure remote access service.
Cybercriminals Target Small Biz HispanicBusiness.com
Even though Craig Brown was hired to be financial controller at Menlo Park [Calif.]-based Summer Hill, a 45-employee home-furnishings company, his boss figured computer-savvy Brown could lend an occasional hand with information technology.
McAfee May Have To Fight 'Em Off BusinessWeek
Webroot launches small-business software package Denver Business Journal
Webroot Software Inc. announced Wednesday that it would offer a suite of software geared to small and mid-sized businesses.
McAfee - Virus Information
McAfee offers virus protection, internet security software, personal computer updates, hacker protection and anti-virus downloads
McAfee – Computer Anti-Virus Software and Internet Security For Your PC
McAfee offers virus protection, internet security software, personal computer updates, hacker protection and anti-virus downloads
McAfee - Antivirus Software and Intrusion Prevention Solutions
McAfee offers antivirus and computer security software for home PCs or corporate computer networks. Find out about current products, learn about web and e-mail protection for home or business users, or get technical support
McAfee für Privatanwender - Anti-Virus-Software und Internetsicherheit für Ihren PC
McAfee Security bietet Virenschutz, Internet Anti-Virus Tips. Online Virus Removal Services. Anti-Virus Tips. Already Protected? Make sure your
Software Anti-Virus - Off-Campus
How do computer viruses and anti-virus programs work? How do I find out my email alias? Services :: Software :: Anti-Virus Downloads. Need to Know
McAfee.com - Virus Hoaxes
Lists known computer virus hoaxes to help you figure out whether a virus alert or warning message is real
McAfee Anti-Virus Software
McAfee Security - Evaluation Software
McAfee Security - The Place for Your P
McAfee's Anti-Virus Distribution
of Delaware has obtained a site license for McAfee Anti-Virus software. installed the version of McAfee Anti-Virus software customized for use at the
McAfee für Privatanwender - Anti-Virus-Software und Internetsicherheit für Ihren PC
McAfee bietet Virenschutz, Internet Security-Software, PC-Aktualisierungen, Hackerschutz und Antiviren-Downloads. Virendefinition (DAT) erneuern. McAfee mcafee+anti+virus+software: | | | | mcafee+anti+virus+software