Google Gives Employees Stock Option Flexibility
Hoping to attract and retain top talent as it continues to grow at breakneck pace, Google said Tuesday it would institute a unique program to enable employees to directly sell their vested stock options. Google plans to work with Wall Street banking house Morgan Stanley to establish an online auction system through which certain employees can sell vested stock options to outside buyers.
Getting too into the game The Santa Rosa Press Democrat
Nintendo's hot new Wii video game console is flying off the shelves: 600,000 were sold in the first eight days of its U.S. release. It's also flying out of the hands of some enthusiastic players and straight into family TVs.
Video: HS Football Team Rallies Around Disabled Child WGAL 8 Susquehanna Valley
How do I download RealPlayer or Windows Media Player? RealPlayer: Step 1: Check Your System (for Windows) Click the "Start" button on your taskbar, slide the cursor to the "Find" option and select "files" or "folders". Then type in "RealPlayer" (including the quotation marks) and hit return.
Personal Tech Washington Post
The Washington Post's Rob Pegoraro will be online to answer your personal tech questions, discuss recent reviews and give advice for finding the right gadget for the holidays.
Console Review: Sony PlayStation 3
After years of promises, (some true, some false) the PlayStation 3 is here. But only for a lucky few though, since launch numbers were far below the PS2's Day One tally. Although small numbers of units are coming in each week, the launch left many eager shoppers without, to say the least. But is Sony's new system worth your $600? That depends on a lot of variables, I am afraid. It is
Microsoft to debut Vista operating system for business Update PhysOrg
Microsoft will announce availability of business versions of its long-awaited Vista operating system on Thursday, according to analysts invited to a release event in New York City.
Q&A: Meet Your New Office PC Magazine via Yahoo! News
Jim Louderback sat down with Microsoft's Antoine LeBlond to discuss the new version of Office, Google's productivity tools, and what makes this the biggest Office update ever.
Security Fix Live Washington Post
Security Fix blogger Brian Krebs hosts a seasonal discussion on how to protect yourself while shopping online for the holidays.
Jay Cutler Holds First News Conference As Broncos QB ABC 7 Denver
New Broncos starting quarterback Jay Cutler talks to the media for the first time since he replaced Jake Plummer.
Tech Toys 2006, Part 1: Video Games Connected Home Media
With both Sony and Nintendo shipping next-generation video game consoles this season, it makes sense to start with video games, an industry that generates more money every year than all the content that comes out of Hollywood combined.
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Microsoft gets on the grid | CNET
grids, the software giant is upping its commitment to high-performance computing which, in general, rely heavily on the use of Linux on low-cost servers.
Writing High-Performance Managed Applications : A Primer .NET Development General Technical Articles
writing high-performance applications that target the Microsoft® .NET objects are large the cost of relocation is high so those objects are allocated
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