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Dr. Bombay Computer M.D. Fort Worth Star-Telegram
For virus protection, if it ain't broke
Japan court convicts creator of file-swapping software AFP via Yahoo! News
A Japanese court has convicted the inventor of popular file-swapping software for copyright violations but refused to jail the programmer, who has become a cyberspace icon.
P2P software inventor convicted Australian IT
A JAPANESE court has convicted the inventor of popular file-swapping software for copyright violations but refused to jail the programmer.
Japan convicts creator of file-swapping software Middle East Times
TOKYO -- A Japanese court Wednesday convicted the inventor of popular file-swapping software for copyright violations but refused to jail the programmer, who has become a cyberspace icon.
NAS management software specifications Computer Weekly
Network attached storage (NAS) appliances and gateways must be configured and managed using software tools that allow administrators to allocate space, manage RAID and storage behaviors, perform routine maintenance, and other tasks. Management software ideally provides interoperability with a variety of NAS devices from different vendors and can automate many of the routine management tasks that
Software provides data compression, access, and management. ThomasNet
StuffIt Deluxe® v9.5 for Windows reduces size of JPEG images up to 30% with no loss in image quality. Program includes strong encrypted Zip support, allowing user to open encrypted Zip files using 256-bit AES method. Users can save, Zip, and send documents from Word®, Excel®, or Outlook® with single click. They can also schedule backups to run automatically, and are protected from hidden viruses
Cybercriminals Target Small Biz HispanicBusiness.com
Even though Craig Brown was hired to be financial controller at Menlo Park [Calif.]-based Summer Hill, a 45-employee home-furnishings company, his boss figured computer-savvy Brown could lend an occasional hand with information technology.
Cybercriminals Targeting Small Businesses Enterprise Security Today
Even though Craig Brown was hired to be financial controller at Menlo Park (Calif.)-based Summer Hill, a 45-employee home-furnishings company, his boss figured computer-savvy Brown could lend an occasional hand with information technology. However, since the company had set up little-to-no protection against viruses, spam, and other Internet nasties, I.T. soon took over the bulk of Brown's days.
Winny developer guilty of copyright violations Asahi.com
KYOTO--In an unprecedented ruling, the Kyoto District Court on Wednesday convicted the creator of the Winny peer-to-peer file-sharing program of helping others to violate copyrights.
Be cautious about how much of HP's software you install Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Nick Francesco answers your computer questions.

Sophos - anti-virus and anti-spam computer software for businesses
Sophos's anti-virus and anti-spam software protects business computers against 05 Dec, Yes, Sophos has already released Vista anti-virus protection!
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