Microsoft's Office Communications Server Targets Business VoIP Users TechWeb via Yahoo! News
The software company unveiled plans to conduct an ambitious beta test centered on its Office Communications Server with links to its 2007 Microsoft Office applications.
Cisco: Not a Network Box Seller Anymore? eWeek
The company plans a ition to a software-oriented business model.
Microsoft sets up common robotics development platform TG Daily
While all eyes are on Microsoft for the upcoming Vista and Office 07 product launches, the software giant today made another announcement aimed at a completely new audience - robotics engineers. Microsoft Robotics Studios was released yesterday, which gives developers a universal platform for robotic programming.
Rovion to Support the Launch of Microsoft Office Live PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
Rovion, Inc., the leader in creating technologies that humanize the delivery of content to online audiences, today launched an online campaign to support the introduction of Microsoft Office Live for small businesses.
Probation ordered in software scam The Star-Ledger
Robert R. Bilaski was sen tenced Friday by Superior Court Judge William L'E. Wertheimer, who said the self-employed businessman must pay Microsoft Corp. $3,992.75 if he wants to stay out of prison, Union County Prosecutor Theodore J. Romankow said.
United Front: Microsoft Office Live Integrates Web Shop and Back End ECommerce-Guide
Microsoft Office Live is here, and offers site design, payment actions, accounting tie-ins and search optimization for those who want an e-commerce solution with business functionality such as e-mail management and online collaboration.
Software is intended for billing and subscriber management. ThomasNet
Integrating with web hosting control panels, Platypus v6.0 features two-way communication abilities for storing information in user records. Software allows web hosts to tie multiple services to one rate or product, without custom configuration. Supporting VB scripting, software aids development of logic-driven provisioning rules without external coding.
Microsoft Talks Up Beta Version of VoIP Server LinuxInsider.com
Microsoft on Tuesday opened a private beta of its new enterprise voice communications server to 2,500 IT professionals. Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 allows companies to integrate Voice over Internet Protocol technology into existing telephony infrastructure. The software giant hopes to gain traction in this market with a business process integration approach to VoIP.
Digital Reasoning Releases Geographic Intelligence Software PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
Digital Reasoning® Systems Inc., the intelligence-software innovator, today announced the release of GeoLocator, version 1.0.
Crazy prices: civil servants on a costly paper chase Guardian Unlimited
Saving money is one of Whitehall's favourite preoccupations, from slashing red tape to cutting the number of public sector jobs. But the mandarins could do more for the public purse by sending their office juniors to the local shops to buy their stationery, the Guardian has discovered.
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PATRON EDGE: Box office management software from Blackbaud; Maximize box office revenue, manage box office ticket sales, and eliminate unnecessary box
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Ticketing software for any event. Customized online ticketing system and box office software available to event organizers. Ticketing services for the
Box Office Ticketing - Box Office Software
All that is needed is a computer with a browser and an Internet connection to use our box office software. Of course, if you wish to print tickets,
Box Office Software and Ticketing Systems from New Concepts
Box Office Avenue is the premium Internet ticketing service offered by New Concepts Software, Inc. Using Box Office Avenue, your organization sells tickets
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Box Office Software. What Customers Say. Don Warren, First Evangelical Church, Memphis, TN - "If you are looking into EventU, let me assure you that it not
Ticketing Box Office Software
Box Office Software. What Customers Say. Vanita Horton, The Church at Rocky Peak, Chatsworth, CA - "As calendar coordinator, I would recommend this program
Online Ticketing Service, Box Office Ticketing Software, Online
ThunderTix is an affordable online ticketing software that allows entertainment venues to sell tickets in-house with the ability to add, edit,
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