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Untangle Offers Free Software to More Than Five Million Small Businesses PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
Untangle, Inc. , an emerging leader in simplifying the way small businesses get the information technology they need, today announced it is making its entire on-demand software offering free for more than five million U.S. businesses with 10 or fewer users.
Protecting Against Insider Threats InformationWeek
When you visualize what a computer criminal looks like, you probably think of a teenager living in his mother's basement, or a shady-looking character in a lawless country far away. But if you want to know what the most dangerous computer criminals look like, take a look at the guy sitting in the next cube.
Asset Control Customer, Wachovia, Wins the American Financial Technology Award for Best Enterprise Data Management PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
Asset Control, a leading provider of Centralized Data Management solutions to the financial industry today announced that its customer, Wachovia, has been honored with the American Financial Technology Award for Best Enterprise Data Management Initiative.
Security Vendors Show Holiday Cheer With Free Tools ChannelWeb
'Tis the season for giving, and security firms such as eEye Digital Security, Sourcefire and Secunia are tapping into their vast stores of vulnerability research data to shower the public with free tools.
2007: IT predictions for the year ahead IT World
As we gaze toward the vista of 2007, we find our e-mail inbox inundated with IT predictions for the new year from analysts, vendors and consultants. From those predictions and our own prognostications we present our forecast for the top IT stories in the year ahead.
Chinese have ownership in U.S. cargo monitors WorldNet Daily
A Chinese company with close ties to the communist government owns 49 percent of the Lockheed Martin subsidiary that is negotiating a contract with the North American SuperCorridor Coalition, Inc.
Ford Unveils The Power Ranger Scoop.co.nz
AUCKLAND, New Zealand, 6 December 2006- Ford New Zealand has unveiled the vehicle that will spearhead its light commercial vehicle line-up in 2007 – the all-new Ford Ranger.
EMPLOYMENT Monster India traffic `spurts' Online job search services provider Monsterindia.com today announced that the traffic on the site grew by more than 238 per cent in July-September 2006 compared to the same period last year. The Vice-President, Marketing, Monster
John Harris on the US-UK relationship Guardian Unlimited
A US official says our 'special relationship' with the US is a myth. What future is there for it, asks John Harris.
IBM Takes the Guesswork Out of Services Consulting Spectrum Online
Money, money everywhere for R&D, it seems—hundreds of billions, in fact, and more of it every year—but barely a trickle goes to services research. Yet, the services sector now accounts for between 60 percent and 80 percent of developed countries’ gross domestic product and worker wages.
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