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Veritas Backup Exec 9.1 for Windows Servers: ZDNet Australia
A flexible backup option for networks, Veritas Backup Exec is also easy to use. Veritas is now aware of this problem, but as of this review, no software
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If you want to spend your days and nights trying to get your backup software to install, let alone run, buy Backup Exec. When I bought the product it
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Computer Technology Review. SOLUTIONS FOR SYSTEMS INTEGRATORS, VARS & OEMS Symantec’s Backup Exec software is the leading software for Windows data
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Windows Marketplace: Product details for VERITAS Backup Exec for
Backup Exec 9.1 software increases application availability while simultaneously improving backup 1 of 1 users found this review helpful. Did you?
eWEEK Labs Review: Backup Exec 10d: 2
Review: Backup Exec 10d offers 24-by-7 storage, self-service. an important piece of software that manages disk-based backup chores and ensures
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