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Agile Software Development
Book review Alistair Cockburn is one of the most prominent and influential of the Agile development gurus. As well as being one of the original authors of the Agile Manifesto, he is also the developer of the Crystal family of agile
Call for Participation: Agile 2007
Agile software development focuses on delivering business value early and often in the project lifetime with the ability to incorporate emergent requirements. It accentuates the use of rich, informal communication channels and frequent
Agile Web Development with Rails, Second Edition
Rails is a new approach to web-based application development that enables developers to create full-featured, sophisticated web-based applications using less code and less effort. Now programmers can get the job done right and still
KJam: build tool
KJam is modelled after Jam/MR, a build tool developed by Chris Seiwald of Perforce Software. It operates in a way very similar to Jam and its interpreted language is also very similar
Unit test enthusiasts, Painful critters, Retirement plans
(simonpeter.org)"Many developers seem to look upon software build tools with disdain. They see them as painful creatures put on the earth to gnaw at their patience. The developer just wants to get on with Real Work (coding),
Amock: Mock objects library for PHP 5
Amock is an open-source mocking library written in PHP 5 for programs written in PHP 5. Mock objects for classes or interfaces are generated on the fly using a source code generator.Amock is published under the MIT license which means
Mockrunner 0.3.8 released
This is mainly a bug fix release. The Struts test framework is now compatible with Struts 1.3
AdventNet QEngine: Automated Web testing
AdventNet QEngine is an Automated Testing Tool for Functional Testing, Performance Testing, Load Testing, Stress Testing, Web Services Testing, Server Performance Monitoring & Regression Testing to run tests from command line for all
Good Agile, Bad Agile
What I haven't outlined is what happens if you layer capital-Agile methodologies atop a good software development process. You might be tempted to think: "well, it can't hurt!" I even had a brief fling with it myself last year.
Agile Software Development Manager - J2EE, C++, BEA, Oracle
Job description: have 5+ years of Software Development experience as a Director of Software, Software Development Manager, or Software Development LeadAgile and/or have at least 5+ years of information technology development in

Amazon.com: Agile Software Development: Books: Alistair Cockburn
Amazon.com: Agile Software Development: Books: Alistair Cockburn by Alistair Cockburn.
Agile software development methods
existing literature on agile software development methodologies. This methods have much in common with the novel agile software development
Agile Software Development: Definition
But, if you're looking for a "sound bite" definition of agile software development, that's a little harder to come by. Here's mine (the layout of the points
The New Methodology
We talk of agile software methods, of how to introduce agility into a development team, or of how to resist the impending storm of agilists determined to
XProgramming.com - an Agile Software Development Resource
Extreme programming practices, discussion, and support, from Ron Jeffries.
STSC CrossTalk - What Is Agile Software Development? - Oct 2002
In the past two years, the ideas of "agile software development," which encompasses individual methodologies such as Crystal methods, eXtreme Programming,
IT Conversations: Alistair Cockburn
In 2001 he and 16 other software-development heavyweights met to discuss so-called lightweight methodologies, and one result was the Agile Software
MAPS - Downloads
Descrizione: Un articolo centrato sui principi dell'agile software development con riferimenti a DSDM, Lean Software Development XP, ASD e FDD.
Principles behind the Agile Manifesto
development. Agile processes harness change for the customer's competitive advantage. Deliver working software frequently, from a
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Agile Software Development. 08/11/2004 | Italian Agile Day · Metodologie / Agile Software Development, di Giovanni Giorgi, Marco Lamberto, Stefano Fago agile+software+development: | | | | agile+software+development
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