music industry sale

File sharing is good for you and the music industry
This independent study done for Industry Canada, by Birgitte Andersen and Marion Frenz, suggests exactly the opposite: file sharing increases exposure and can increase record sales. Below is the abstract, and after that some interesting ...

Songs included in Guitar Hero 3 see a dramatic leap in digital sales
"No labels are really advertising their bands being in GH III, and even if they did most of the 'fans' already have a copy of the bands' most popular song before GH III came out," a source close inside the music industry told Ars. ...

Hannah Montana: It ain't just the brokers who broke her fans' hearts
“We’re bringing the industry closer to a market-value pricing, where the ticket reaches its true market value at the orginal point of sale, rather than the secondary market,” said Ticketmaster spokesperson Bonnie Poindexter. ...

Jermaine Dupri is a Corporate Tool
I had the extreme misfortune, this morning, to be subjected to Jermaine Durpri’s inane ramblings about the music industry. As it turns out, not everyone who makes music is an artist. Quite a few are corporate tools, and outside of the ...

The Future of the Recording Industry
Sales are plummeting, and record labels are blaming illegal file sharing. The industry seems to be in a tailspin, and its major players are grasping at straws by hampering legitimate online music retailers with obnoxious, ...
Downhill Battle - Music Activism
It also lost the ability to partner with innovative companies for increased sales and revenues. By suing every new technology, the music industry is missing - Downhill Battle - Music Activism

EMI to Drop Digital Locks in Web Sales - New York Times
Some expressed hope it could also jumpstart digital sales for the music industry. Since the start of the year, the slide in plastic CD sales has accelerated - EMI to Drop Digital Locks in Web Sales - New York Times

Whats the Future of the Music Industry? A Freakonomics Quorum
Before I was in the writing industry, I was in the music industry. Second, much of the reduction in sales is the direct result of industry cost-cutting. - Whats the Future of the Music Industry? A Freakonomics Quorum

Whats the Future of the Music Industry? A Freakonomics Quorum
So what really happened to the music industry, and what will it look like in Second, much of the reduction in sales is the direct result of industry - Whats the Future of the Music Industry? A Freakonomics Quorum

The music industry | A change of tune |
For years record labels, citing tumbling CD sales blamed on internet piracy, have decried the decline of the music industry. The reality is rather more - The music industry | A change of tune |

MusicDish e-Journal
Film And Music Industry First As Market Owners Take Rap For Piracy Appoints Mitchell Imber, Senior Vice President, Physical Sales - MusicDish e-Journal

Radiohead Could Really Piss Off the Music Industry Machine
So now that the band has kicked the middle man to the curb, the middle man may still want a cut of current sales. While the music industry is still - Radiohead Could Really Piss Off the Music Industry Machine

Discover the Secrets to Succedding In The Music Industry
music, music industry, music business, musicians, music books, music success, Why sending out a demo could be one of the worst mistakes you’ll ever make in - Discover the Secrets to Succedding In The Music Industry

New report spells trouble for music industry, not Apple -
A report from Forrester Research, discussing sales of music through Apple's iTunes store, Because there's a big problem brewing for the music industry. - New report spells trouble for music industry, not Apple -

Harvard Gazette: File sharing may boost CD sales
As sales of recorded music drop precipitously, the music industry has pointed a blaming finger at the dramatic growth of file sharing among individuals who - Harvard Gazette: File sharing may boost CD sales