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Erbe: Environment should go from smoky-gray to emerald-green The Town Talk
A week ago Tuesday, the mountains beat the smog. Open space beat sprawl. Wildlife whupped concrete. On few topics of liberal-conservative dispute was there a "thumping" of major proportions equal to the one voters visited upon anti-environmentalists in the last election.
Talk about town: Christmas cheer? The Town Talk
Economists continue to assure us that the economy is strong and growing. As Christmas, the season of spending, approaches, are you planning on spending more than last year or less? Has the economy treated you as well as the forecasters claim it should have?
A Green Agenda Gets Green Light From Voters RedNova
By Bonnie Erbe Scripps Howard News Service A week ago Tuesday, the mountains beat the smog. Open space beat sprawl. Wildlife whupped concrete.
In praise of pomodori The Age
I can't think about life without tomatoes. The world would be a completely different place - certainly, Italy would be.
Guns are not the villains The Town Talk
Bonnie Erbe, in an Oct. 6 column "The tragedy of gun deaths continues to grow" makes the gun out the villain. She labels the National Rifle Association, the Republican Party and pro-gun Democrats as "home-grown terrorists."
Reporter Golden blasts unfair legacy admissions Daily Princetonian
The advantage enjoyed by children of rich and powerful families in gaining admission to elite colleges violates basic notions of fairness, Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Golden said in a lecture Wednesday night.
Prep sports York Daily Record
Courtney McIntyre is expected to sign a letter of intent today to swim at Pittsburgh. Nov 16, 2006 — West York High swimmer Courtney "Cookie" McIntyre plans to sign a letter of intent today to continue her athletic and academic career at the University of Pittsburgh.
Senior girls set for volleyball showcase The York Dispatch
Thirty-six high school seniors will compete in the York Area All-Star Girls' Volleyball Showcase on Saturday at Dallastown High School. Play begins at 6 p.m.
El Dorado gets grant to join health system BizJournals
El Dorado County has picked up a $200,000 grant from the Blue Shield of California Foundation to establish a countywide health information technology system.
MIKE DUFFY'S TV TODAY: 'Nova' encounters humans who get about on all fours Detroit Free Press
"Nova" (8 p.m., WTVS-TV, Channel 56, PBS). Walk this way. Strange but true: Five adult siblings of a rural Turkish family have spent years walking on all fours. Is it a bizarre genetic throwback? Though the subject matter sounds freaky, the science journal "Nova," along with geneticist Sean Carroll and anthropologist Brian Richmond, handle the story of these extraordinary human oddities with

La Via delle Erbe
Dedicato all' uso delle piante officinali. Aterso un percorso guidato, e' possibile avere accesso alle risposte che la fitoterapia e le terapie
Aboca Erbe e Salute prodotti erboristici per salute e bellezza
Integratori alimentari di erbe e piante medicinali, rimedi naturali, erbe e prodotti per salute, bellezza, benessere, cosmetici vegetali,
Erbe medicinali delle Alpi
Erbe medicinali delle Alpi. Ferrante Cappelletti Dalle erbe la salute Piante medicinali dell'arco alpino ed. Publilux Trento 1977.
Piante medicinali Piante medicinali
Fin dai tempi più antichi l'uomo cercava nelle erbe, nei fiori e nelle Ma attenzione: l'utilizzo di erbe medicinali può essere anche pericoloso e,
| LifeGate | salute | Le erbe per la salute
erbe per la salute, oli per la salute, oli essenziali, salute e benessere, rimedi naturali, natura e benessere, sistema immunitario, erboristeria,
Il giardino delle Erbe
[Casola Valsenio, RV] Importante giardino di piante officinali, nato nel 1938 come campo sperimentale ora coltiva ad uso didattico e divulgativo circa 400
Le Erbe della Salute
L'autore spiega quali sono e come si utilizzano le piante medicinali spontanee della Val Brembana. Ricette per infusi e decotti con foglie, rizomi e radici.
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