chemicals: le scie in cielo restano incomprensibili vicinanze delle tracce.Secondo un'altra ipotesi, le chemtrails potrebbero diffondere il Virus West Nile che le zanzare stanno trasmettendo a New York , la febbre suina e la brucellosi.Lorie Kramer, hiv, sars, aviaria le armi dello stermino mettere in evidenza dati su precedenti pestilenze costruite artificialmente, come la SARS, il West Nile Virus, l'AIDS ed altro. Studi genetici stanno di continuo riproducendo più virus influenzali
West Nile Virus Map West Nile Virus Maps, 2002. These are the final USGS West Nile maps for the 2002 season. Since West Nile virus (WNV) was first isolated in 1937, :: Informazioni sulle malattie tropicali West Nile virus è un virus appartenente al genere dei flavivirus; La maggior parte delle infezioni da West Nile virus decorre in modo del tutto West Nile Virus Provides links to information about West Nile Virus, its symptoms, minimizing personal risk, surveillance data, educational resources, and tips for pest and West Nile Virus in Illinois Information about the disease in the state, including news releases, surveillance information, and public education. West Nile Virus Fact sheets and advisories from the US Geological Survey as well as link to additional information. CA West Nile Virus Website The website for West Nile Virus education, statistics, and dead bird reporting for California. West Nile Virus Website News releases and information about the disease in the state. NPIC's West Nile Virus Homepage Features disease information, links, statistics, and maps. Cornell West Nile Virus Bibliography of Scientific Literature Bibliography, including links, of scientific articles related to the West Nile Virus. West Nile Virus Information on the disease and its effects on humans and birds.
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