13.10.2006 Le strane temperature di Upsilon Andromeda b caldo daun lato e freddo dall?altra. La scoperta è stata resa possibile grazieallo Spitzer Space Telescope della NASA, ed è descritta sul numero odierno di "Science Express". "Questa osservazione ? il decimo pianeta telescopio, lo Spitzer SpaceTelescope. Lanciato nell'agosto dello scorso anno lo Spitzer Space Telescope è ilquarto dei grandi "occhi nello spazio" della Nasa, in un programma cheinclude anche il the eskimo nebula from hubble ground, NGC 2392 resembles a person's head surrounded by a parka hood. In 2000, the Hubble Space Telescope imaged the Eskimo Nebula. From space, the nebula displays gas clouds so complex they are not fully understood. The Eskimo Nebula pirelli award: i vincitori del Premio Pirelli Internet-ional Award 2005: Sezione Fisica - sito Buchi Neri dello Space Telescope Science Institute di Baltimora , prodotto in animazione con contributi della NASA. Gli margherita hack per l?unione degli italiani nel mondo Explorer (IUE), membro del gruppo selezione programmi per IUE, membro del gruppo ESA per Space Telescope, membro del comitato per l’astronomia dell’European Science Foundation, membro
E/PO at STScI Space Science Education Resource Directory Cool pictures, news, discoveries, and technology from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope. Go there The James Webb Space Telescope NASA's next-generation successor to the Hubble Space Telescope,is named in honor of the man who led NASA in the early days of the fledgling aerospace agency HubbleSite - NewsCenter Hubble Space Telescope News. Hubble Space Telescope - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Hubble Space Telescope, from the Space Shuttle Discovery during the The history of the Hubble Space Telescope can be traced back as far as 1946, Space Telescope-European Coordinating Facility General information, activities, miscellany, and special news. The Hubble Heritage Project Website Specially chosen images from the Hubble telescope, enhanced and explained by experts in order to educate and inspire. The Best of HST The Best of the Hubble Space Telescope. Please click to advance Brought to you by SEDS. Japanese Mirror. Winner of the Griffith Observatory Star Award. SEDS: Best of HST These images are copyright by the Space Telescope Science Institute (ST Sci), operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA), Amazing Space Find links to Amazing Space's latest features, the most recent Hubble uses the Hubble Space Telescope's discoveries to inspire and educate about the Origins: Hubble: a view to the edge of space Join the Exploratorium as we visit the Hubble Space Telescope, with live webcasts from Mission Control. See how Hubble's pictures change our ideas about the
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