info: MAI

Komo Mai rockfall work to last 4 months Honolulu Star-Bulletin
Work to stabilize or demolish rock outcroppings over a portion of Komo Mai Drive in Pearl City began this week, the state Department of Land and Natural Resources announced yesterday.
Expo goodies aplenty from BBL The Nation
Bangkok Bank (BBL) will be offering a range of special deals on interest rates, a free business advisory service, discounted properties, gifts and chances to win prizes worth more than Bt750,000 to visitors at Money Expo Chiang Mai.
Growth in garment exports set to slow next year The Nation
The seams are starting to tear in the country's clothing industry. Bangkok Bank (BBL) will be offering a range of special deals on interest rates, a free business advisory service, discounted properties, gifts and chances to win prizes worth more than Bt750,000 to visitors at Money Expo Chiang Mai.
Emanuel Says Scandal Could Give Dems Capitol Hill CBS 2 Chicago
There were plenty of opinions on the streets around the Chicago area on Friday about the future of House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill. and the Republican Party. As CBS 2's Mai Martinez reports, a top democratic congressman from Chicago said the e-mail scandal could change the balance of power on Capitol Hill.
Chanthaburi governor declare disaster zone The Nation
Chanthaburi - The provincial governor declared his province a disaster zone Friday floods hit eight districts following three days of heavy rainfall. The eight districts were Muang, Tha Mai, Na Yai Arm, Makham, Kaeng Hang Maew, Khao Khitchakood, and Khlung districts.
THAILAND: Midnight University seeks court ruling AsiaMedia
Midnight University will petition the Administrative Court to seek the reopening of its website, which was closed by the Information and Communications Technology Ministry three days after the military coup on Sept 19. The informal learning school based in Chiang Mai will ask the court to rule on whether the ministry's decision was legal, the university's rector Somkiat Tangnamo said yesterday.
Myanmar's losing military strategy Asia Times
CHIANG MAI, Thailand - Despite its newer, more modern weaponry, Myanmar's ambitious military-modernization campaign is proving ineffectual in fighting the various ethnic armies along its borders.
Buying friends and influencing drug lords Asia Times
CHIANG MAI, Thailand - If the drug trade ever had a friend, it's the man in uniform. Access to the authorities is a necessary companion of efforts to subvert authority, and make a buck, or a kyat, a yuan or some baht.
Flora expo on track for big opening Bangkok Post
Chiang Mai _ Despite the abrupt change in Thai politics in recent weeks, the planned display of spectacular gardens for the flora expo in Chiang Mai goes ahead with 85% of work already done.
Vietnam and Laos boost procuracy co-operation Nhan Dan
A delegation from the People's Supreme Procuracy, led by Deputy Director Hoang Nghia Mai, began a working visit to Laos on October 2 in order to further strengthen procuracy co-operation between the two countries. - Trovare lavoro non è mai stato così facile!
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Civica Biblioteca "Angelo Mai" - Bergamo
Civica Biblioteca - Archivi storici - Angelo Mai - Bergamo.
Raccolta di materiale e documenti sull'Accordo Multilaterale sugli investimenti (Multilateral Agreement on Investments).
MetaOPAC Azalai italiano di Biologia
in seguito il Dipartimento BCS) e del gruppo di discussione "Vertebrati" con CILEA e AIB, sviluppatori e gestori del MetaOPAC Azalai Italiano (MAI).
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Raccolta di materiale e doenti sull'Accordo Multilaterale sugli investimenti (Multilateral Agreement on Investmen).
MetaOPAC Azalai italiano di Biologia
in seguito il Dipartimento BCS) e del gruppo di discussione "Vertebrati" con CILEA e AIB, sviluppatori e gestori del MetaOPAC Azalai Italiano (MAI).
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