Classe 5^

(From the Modern Age to Contemporary Times)

From the Romantic Age to The Victorian Age

AUDIOLESSONS: The Romantic Age    The Victorian Age

The Romantic Period (1776-1837)

The Beautiful, The Picturesque, and the Sublime

From the Age of Reason to the Romantic Age: Historical and Social Changes (MP3 file)

From the Age of Reason to the Romantic Age: Cultural Influences (MP3 file)

- Fantasy: The Literature of Subversion (MP3 file)
- Fantasy: a mind map (Word file)

- The life of Mary Shelley (MP3 audio file) and The Birth of a Monster  (MP3 audio file)(on Frankenstein)

- THE SHELLEYS: a mind map
- Frankenstein: plot

- Frankenstein: an analysis (MP3 file)
- Frankenstein Mind Chart  (Word file, printable version 32 kb)

- Frankenstein Chap 5 (hyperlinks)
- Frankenstein
(Chap. 10 English) MP3-Librivox

(Chap. 13 . Who was I?) new
- Frankenstein
(Chap. 16 English) MP3- Librivox

- Frankenstein (Cap.5 )
- Frankenstein
(Cap.10 )
- Frankenstein (Cap.16 )


- Blake, The Lamb
- Blake, The Tyger (tr. di G. Ungaretti)
- Blake, London
- Blake, Proverbs of Hell
- Blake: Infant Joy - Infant Sorrow

- William Blake (Themes)
- Blake: Complementary opposites (Mp3 file)
- Blake: a mind map(Word file)

- Wordsworth's poems
- Comment on Wordsworth's poems

- Coleridge: Fancy and Imagination

- The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (AUDIO - MP3); Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 Part 5 , Part 6 , Part 7

MGT'S PODCAST (The Rime of the Ancient...))

- The Rime of The Ancient Mariner (English/Italian)abridged
The Rime of The Ancient Mariner (English/Italian)(ZIP) [complete]
"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner": a comment

- Themes in "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" (simple)
Themes in "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" (more complex)

-Complete analysis on-line of "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"
 Song:The Rime of the Ancient mariner - Iron Maiden (lyrics)

- "L'Albatros" di Charles Baudelaire

- A comparison: Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley

MGT'S PODCAST (P.B. Shelley)

- P.B. Shelley biography

"Ozymandias" by P.B. Shelley and comment

- Ode to the West Wind by P.B. Shelley (ingl.)
- Ode to the West Wind by P.B. Shelley (tr. it.)

- Ode On a Grecian Urn (con testo it. a fronte)
- Ode on a Grecian Urn (A comment)

Hard Times: Coketown (extract)
-Hard Times
by C. Dickens (themes)

- Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontė
- Jane Eyre: a feminist interpretation

- Wuthering Heights: PLOT (a mind map)
- Wuthering Heights: a complete site on-line by a fan!
- Wuthering Heights
by Kate Bush (song and video)

Jean Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea

The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and MrHyde

The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and MrHyde: Chapter10. HENRY JEKYLL'S FULL

Dottor Jekyll, cap, 10  (completo)

The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and MrHyde: Chapter10. HENRY JEKYLL'S FULL

Link to the complete English version of The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and MrHyde

Alice in Wonderland (quotations)
Alice in Wonderland (analysis)

Henry James: Woman in the Jamesian Eye

- Oscar Wilde
- The Picture of Dorian Gray ( plot)
- The Picture of Dorian Gray ( themes)
- The Preface To The Picture of Dorian Gray
- The Picture of Dorian Gray
(Chapter 20)
  Oscar Wilde's Aphorisms
- Sebastian Melmoth's Aphorisms (O.Wilde)
- De Profundis   (abridged)
- "Each man kills the things he loves"  (The Ballad of the Reading Gaol)
- La condanna di Oscar Wilde


Karl Marx (1818-1883)
Karl Marx (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Karl Marx (presentazione POWER POINT)
Marx's Theory of Commodity Fetishism

The Great Exhibition of 1851

Sigmund Freud (presentaz. POWER POINT)
Freud (1856-1939) and Freudianism

Sigmund Freud On Transience [Caducitą, 1915]


Paintings of the Romantic Age

Caspar David Friedrich: Traveller above a Sea of Clouds

The Albatross: a song by Sheria Tshongo Mussonghora

Sites on Frankenstein:  

dorian.gif (119305 byte)

A link to the most complete web site on Victorian England:

PPT on the Victorian Age

Ibsen's A Doll's House


Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Diagnostic Criteria
The Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NDP)
Selfishness and Love (by Eric Fromm)


The Victorian Age and the Colonization of Women (Present. POWER POINT)
Women in the Victorian Age

On Photography by Susan Sontag


Il sublime
Il sublime (Remo Bodei)

Frankenstein e la "fantasy"

John Stuart Mill
John Stuart Mill e la morale

John Stuart Mill e l'emancipazione femminile

Jim Morrison
People are strange (lyrics)