Michele Giunta born in Polizzi Generosa (Pa) on 5 April 1954. He experiments as an autodidact, the art of painting since his adoloscence. He goes to advanced Studies in his native place. Afternds he attends some classes that allow him to acquire the mastery of principal tenciques in the artistic field.

He paints nostly in oils; he has a preference for vesitic subject whizh representing Madonie typical landscapes The use of almost tactile, visual and tonal effects allow hin to show his island " The Sicily" in the brightness of uncontaminated hinterland any ametines, prserved from poverty.

Geraci Siculo"Il Duomo"
olio su tela cm.60x70 -1998

Cenni critici

"Santo Stefano"
olio su tela cm.50x70 - 1998
"U vurticchiu"
olio su tela cm.35x45 - 1998

" The roofs, the churches, the houses, the panoramas, the countries, the trees of Geraci Siculo, Castellana Sicula and other place of the "Palermitano," as like is drawn from the cloths of Michele Giunta, they constitute a "particular" landscape of an earth from where they have originated work, languages, circumstances, architectures of a millennial history.
The rigorous formalization of the image "[paesistica]"- as he like us hand down Michele Giunta he dominate the eternal sense of the time with the historical event and of the silence- he represent an evocative painting with the own psychological lapels. Here they bring again the mind the Kronac or Rubens of other times; the atmospheres "pre-raffaelite"; the colors suspended of as many other graphic inclusive representations in the space that the history contemplates he as is still real or he appears different but as he was and as he stay with the intimate "verosomiglianza" of the temporal mistakes.
Sicily: an earth always [naturalisticamente fascinosa] where the wall up [grondano] of ancient circumstances of the monuments and the same earth stamped on from the centuries is always alive [tenacemente] with the own [inestinguibili] he remember.
They have [descritta] poets and writers and each have known how to find correct accents also he derogates or to complement of the tradition. In the cloths of Michele Giunta these elements have contemplated, represented, suitable, with the detail of a pure and ancient sky or the point of an atavistic bell tower and even a [acrocoro] that transudes and he hand down legends and battles. See them these paintings, like in a hit of "clic," with a "palm" that he establishes the geometry of the shade or the bell [silente] and endless, he has an equal taste to the vision of a surface that it is the counterpoint of the falls of the light and of the [risorgere] of the sun that illuminates ruins and memoirs."

Prof. Anthony Caggiano





Michele Giunta
via Monte San Salvatore n.93
90020 - Castellana Sicula (Pa)

Michele Giunta