Bohr’s model of the Atom

In 1913 Niels Bohr proposed a new revolutionary model of the atom by combining the Planck’s and Einstein’s researches into the light with the Rutherford’s model of the atom.

In order to overcome the difficulties connected with the Rutherford’s model he added to the classical Physics some new quantum conditions (known today as Bohr’s postulates) completely in contrast with the knowledge of his time.


First Bohr’s postulate states:

In the atom, electrons can turn around the nucleus only following some particular circular orbits and they do this without emitting energy. (stable orbits).

Each stable orbit has a definite energy .


Second Bohr’s postulate states:

An atom emits, under the form of light, the energy only when an electron jump from an higher energy orbit to a lower energy orbit .

This emitted energy is equal to the difference between the energies of the two orbits involved in the jump.

By looking at the diagram this means:

Bohr developed his predictive model for the hydrogen atom.

It is the simplest atom: it has a nucleus made of one proton and it has just one orbiting electron, hence it is quite easy to describe such a system using the physics rules.

Bohr started from the classical Newton’s equation.


is the mass of the electron.

is the Coulomb’s attractive force between the proton of the nucleus and the electron.

In this formula: is the electron charge

is the proton charge.

is the Coulomb’s constant.

is the distance between the proton and the electron and it represents the orbit radius.

is the centripetal acceleration experienced by the electron while turning round the nucleus.

In this formula represents the velocity of the electron.

In This way he wrote the classical motion equation for the electron in the hydrogen atom:

Motion equation for the electron (1)

At this point he introduced a new Quantum limit represented by a third postulate:

Third Bohr’s postulate:

The Angular Momentum of the electron in the atom, can assume only multiple values of the Planck’s constant divided by :

with Third postulate (2)

( is an integer number that can have the values and so on.)

By writing a mathematics system between the classical motion equation (1) and the third postulate (2), Bohr discovered the radius of the possible quantum orbits for the electron in the atom:

By solving this system, he found out the radius of the stable orbits of the electron.

with (3)

is the radius (It is called the Bohr’s radius) of the smallest orbit covered by the electron. This is the normal orbit covered by the electron when not excited (when the electron gets the lowest energy in the atom). The other permitted orbits have bigger radii:

and so on….

Unfortunately the radii of the orbits can’t be physically observed, only the energies emitted from the atom can. Hence, in order to have an experimental confirmation of his model, Bohr computed the energies of every single orbit too. To do this, he combined the classical considerations about the energy with the last quantum condition about the orbit’s radii (3).

He found out that energies behave this way:

with (4)

where is the energy of the smallest orbit in the atom. (eV means electron-volts, a particular unit of measurement of the energy)

The energies of the other orbits are

and so on…


As we can see, the bigger are the radii of the orbits, the bigger become the energies (energies become less negative). This is an expected fact: the electron needs more energy to jump to a farer orbit because it has to win the electrostatic attraction of the nucleus.

When we supply energy to the hydrogen atom, the electron can absorb it: in this case it jumps towards a more external orbit because it has a surplus of energy.

If we stop to supply energy, after a bit, the atom comes back to its normal state and jump towards the more internal orbits by emitting energies under the form of light (photons), see the java applet at

The second Bohr’s postulate said us that the energy of the emitted photon is equal to the difference between the energy of the orbits involved in the electron jump.

For example, by jumping from an higher energy orbit towards a lower energy orbit ,the electron emits one photon of light with energy

by replacing in this equation with the (4) equation, we have

and if we write the frequency as a function of the wavelength of the photon

( that implies ) we have


that is the Rydberg’s formula for the light emitted by the atom, where

is the Rydberg’s constant!


As shown, The Bohr’s model can exactly explain the energy emitted by the atom and its line spectrum.

Bohr’s accomplishment was to build a model by combining different ideas available at his time:

  1. The discovery of the nucleus (Rutherford)
  2. Knowledge of the electron (Thompson, Millikan)
  3. The regularities observed in the Hydrogen spectrum and described by the Balmer-Rydberg-Ritz formula.
  4. The new quantum ideas of Planck and Einstein.

Bohr was not seized with fright to build a model in which some new quantum conditions are superimposed to the classical motion equations. With his work, he definitively undermined the role of the Classical Physics: The whole universe can’t be described by using only the Newton’s physics equation and his classical consequences.