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Defamation Of The Nation, Give Us A Hand!
As it happens we at stoush.net are very liable to prosecution—however, defamers, the comments field is yours to hint, suggest, impugn, and generally skirt the field of defamation law
Why Net Neutrality Is Good
Net Neutrality as Told By Gun Wielding Halo Maniacs • What's Net Neutrality? Also a PSA, but tamer, fewer plasma rifles, more white space. Daily Show Explains Net Neutrality • Verizon on Net Neutrality: "Trust Us."
Java.Net Poll - Have you Used GlassFish?
Java.Net Logo. The current poll at Java.Net is asking Have you used GlassFish?. To vote, go to Java.Net and look on towards the middle of the righ hand side bar. To see the current results, look here
Changeset [5533]: Mysql::Result#all_hashes compatibility with
trunk/activerecord/CHANGELOG. trunk/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/ mysql_adapter.rb. Mysql::Result#all_hashes compatibility with Mysql C driver 2.6.x. Closes #6601
Fast Pointerless Image Processing in .NET
Process GDI+ images at blazing speeds, with no pointers or unsafe code. Eliminate the need for LockBits(), so you can edit the bits directly and update in real time
November 14th: Zune Day
Heard you can't use the Zune as a Mass Storage Device. I don't think a firmware update can fix that problem can it?But really, gotta love a company that can release a DAP with so much shortcomings. Imagine if Archos released such a
Another Zune Review, Verdict: Pass
though it was flash memory that apple was buying in major stock from samgsung
New Rio Carbon developers firmware
uh YEAH I AGREE ILD2. Karma's so sweet, honestly, no developer's cuts for it? i search sometimes, hoping to find something, but alas, nothing. i don't really know what it needs, it's just fun i guess it's all already there for the
Ramos Q10, Q12, Q15
Haha, look at that Black/Red thing. Obviously a fake picture, the worst I've seen yet

Microsoft .NET Homepage
Welcome to the one stop for all information about .NET.
Contiene notizie, rubriche e approfondimenti. Raggruppa i siti dei quotidiani Il Resto del Carlino, Il Giorno e La Nazione.
TIFO-Net Ultras Network - ultras community dal 1995
Comunità online di tifosi delle curve dal 1995, siti ufficiali dei gruppi ultras. Migliaia di fototifo, notizie, Il Muro, chat e tanto altro.
Radio 105 Network
Salta intro.
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Provider del gruppo Wind. Copertura nazionale con ogni modalità di accesso: PSTN, ISDN, ADSL, CDN, GSM. Abbonamenti gratis ea tariffa fissa.

Radio 105 Network
Salta intro.
IT net
Provider del gruppo Wind. Copertura nazionale con ogni modalità di accesso: PSTN, ISDN, ADSL, CDN, GSM. Abbonamenti gratis ea tariffa fissa.
webmaster RISORSE.NET - La comunità virtuale italiana per webmaster
Risorse.net - La comunità virtuale italiana per webmaster.
Il portale gastronomico in cui puoi trovare, organizzato, classificato e aggregato il sapere della Rete in tema di cucina.
Cartoline.net - cartoline virtuali animate e auguri da inviare
Cartoline.net il tuo servizio gratuito di cartoline virtuali. In pochi minuti ti permette di comporre e inviare cartoline personalizzate ad amici e
ZioBudda Italian Linux Portal - Consulenza - Documentazione
ZioBudda.net sta crescendo sempre di più, ma mi serve una mano per portare Se vuoi scoprire cosa è ziobudda.net e come ti puo' aiutare allora devi
Aiuto.net: formazione a distanza
Breve esempio online di come erogare informazione e consulenza di orientamento a distanza.
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