osu’s marziali overcomes injury, culture shock to lead women icers by jon wagner, the lantern november 2, 2006 (cstv u-wire) columbus, ohio — any fan of the ohio state women’s ice hockey team could see that sophomore forward morgan marziali is an offensive force, a fast skater and an all-around good had to share megan and i were looking at a book this morning and she stretched out on the floor to look. i got up for a moment and next thing i knew, dylan was stretched out beside her! so cute and i actually managed to get a couple of photos of it! took the plunge well, i dove in head first and signed up as a stampin' up demonstrator! it will take a couple of weeks to get my starter kit and i'm waiting patiently (not.looking thru the catalog, dreaming, walking into stores looking for scrapbook changed to beta well, i changed over to beta blogger but now i have to re-learn the code so i can add my favourite links. don't even know if i'll try to change colours, backgrounds etc!!! hopefully, i will find out what i need to know and get this template 1 that rapid share had a time limit. does anyone know how/where i can put files for download that won't "time out"?? if anyone would still like the templates, please email me and i'll send them to you :) new header i created this new header using the club digiscrap denim kit that the "team" helped make at do it digi when it was still "alive". : ( (still missing did) i actually figured out where to put the code for this and voila!! now i would love shopping trip wow, what a great day sara and i had! we went shopping for "stuff" for their new home! it was so much fun!! we went to walmart, home outfitters and linens and things!! got laundry baskets, waste baskets, towels (for show only lol), happy thanksgiving to all those canadians out there,. happy thanksgiving! we have so much to be thankful for so it's great to have a day dedicated to remembering! also a nice day-off from the regular daily schedule! :). we had a great day yesterday with a background finally : i joined a google group to help me learn about editing my blog. a very nice person gave me the instructions i needed to get a background into my blog and voila! now i have to learn where to change the colour code so that you can see the colour & font changes wow, i figured out how to change font colour and font although it was hit and miss as to what i was changing. lol i have lots to learn and will continue to learn what i can! oh and wendy here's the url for the google blogger help group
!!!Arti marziali!!! - martial arts - Il Forum italiano sulle Arti !A1 Il forum italiano sulle arti marziali, discussioni corpo a corpo! Studio Tecnico Geometra Stefano Marziali Studio tecnico per la progettazione e direzione dei lavori di edifici di civile abitazione, artigianali, industriali e commerciali; operazioni catastali arti marziali forum Forum dedicati alle arti marziali: articoli, fotografie ed immagini. Arti marziali Italia :: ju jitsu, karate, judo, kick box Arti marziali italia e' un sito che si occupa di ju jitsu, di autodifesa, karate, kick boxing e dell' autodifesa in genere- abbigliamento arti marziali . artimarziali: ArtiMarziali arti marziali Arti Marziali periodico Artimarziali, artimarziali, Arti Marziali, Martial Arts : Karate Kick Boxing Judo Ju Jitsu Aikido Kobudo Kendo Viet Vo Dao Taekwondo Albo Insegnanti Tecnici Arte marziale - Wikipedia Oggi le arti marziali vengono studiate per varie ragioni: ottenere abilità di Una caratteristica comune delle arti marziali è la codifica di tecniche di Accademia Musicale Marziali - home page questo sito è ottimizzato per una risoluzione video 800 x 600. Accreditamento MIUR. ultimo aggiornamento: 18.10.2006. © Accademia "G. Marziali" - Seveso, 2003. Arti marziali cinesi di Gianky Cenni storici sul kung fu e informazioni sugli stili wing tsun e tai chi: una sezione dedicata all'arte marziale nei tempi moderni.