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When couple made plans to marry, they forgot about OSU-Michigan Middletown Journal
Rob: "So, honey, when do you want to get married?" Kristen: "I don't care, sweetheart. You pick." Rob: "I picked where we ate last night. It's your turn, baby."
Somerteater skop af Helderberg
'n Gros topproduksies word van 29 November tot 18 Maart aangebied as deel van die Oude Libertas-amfiteater in Stellenbosch se jaarlikse somerseisoen.
Archives Columbia Daily Spectator
For most would-be musical directors at Columbia, Columbia Musical Theater Society decides what goes up and what does not. On the other hand, Carly Hoogendyk, CC '07, and Pitr Strait, CC '07, "really wanted to do this show," as Strait tells it.
Hotlines: GM Reaches VOD Accord With Comcast, TV Network AdWeek.com via Yahoo! News
NEW YORK General Motors has struck a deal with Comcast and CBS to sponsor six CBS prime-time shows now airing on the cable system's On Demand VOD service.
Phil Harrison Talks PS3 User-Created Content 1up.com
Says Second Life is direction Sony Ship is sailing.
Primera Amenaza Seria a Teléfonos Móviles Causa Gran Alboroto: RexSpy -- El Rey de los Espías Troyanos SYS-CON Media
La privacidad es cosa del pasado. Lo impensable ha ocurrido: ninguna comunicación móvil se fiere a una línea fija y no es posible enviar mensajes SMS sin la posibilidad de ser grabado por terceras personas, competidores o cónyuges. Con solamente enviando un mensaje SMS invisible y desapercibido a un teléfono móvil en particular, el espiar a los usuarios de teléfonos móviles se ha vuelto cosa
Primera amenaza seria para los teléfonos móviles que causa conmoción: RexSpy - el rey de los espías Troyanos SYS-CON Media
La privacidad es algo del pasado. Lo impensable ha ocurrido: Las comunicaciones móviles no se fieren entre las personas a través de una línea de cable, y los mensajes SMS no pueden ser enviados sin ser potencialmente grabados por terceras partes, competidores o cónyuges.
Around the Valley Montrose Daily Press
MONTROSE — The Daily Press is looking for your pictures. We’ll take photos you’ve taken from various events, happenings in the community, your travels, animals or just people on the street for our new “Our Community” page.
Time to keep some Greenes Whittier Daily news
tear down its Irving Gills? Los Angeles its Rudolph Schindlers? Berkeley its Bernard Maybecks? Chicago its Louis Sullivans?
Escondido responds to efforts to block rental ban North County Times
ESCONDIDO -- Arguing that a housing ordinance barring landlords from renting to illegal immigrants is constitutional and does not conflict with federal and state laws, Escondido's legal defense team on Monday asked a federal judge to dismiss civil rights groups' request to prevent the measure from taking effect later this week.

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