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String of robberies could be related The News Record
The Cincinnati Police have received reports of several attempted robberies along Clifton Avenue in the last month between Martin Luther King Drive and Dixsmyth Avenue, according to Eugene Ferrara, director of Public Safety. The most recent incident occured Nov. 13 in the evening.
The Prison's Built, But Where's That Wall Carty Promised the Neighbors? WTOL 11 Toledo
A north Toledo neighborhood is fighting back against crime -- and trying to fix a problem. Residents say a solution was promised to them nearly 10 years ago, but nothing's been done.
Hoboken looking to reprogram its automated garage The Jersey Journal
HOBOKEN - The city is looking for someone to reprogram the robots at its automated parking garage on Garden Street.
Steve Wilhite, Hyundai's New COO, on the Tenacious Brand and the Car Biz The Auto Channel
There is nothing shy or retiring or reticent about Steve Wilhite, who just three months ago was made the chief operating officer of Hyundai Motors America – a company that undeniably is the fastest growing car company in America today.
WOOD: Why Have the Drags Drifted? Speed TV
A recurring conversation I had at drifting events this year dealt with the sport’s growth and whether it could survive that growth or wilt under the pressure the way Sport Compact drag racing did.
Deitz spent 30 years involved in education Examiner
Marcia Fisher Deitz, 70, who dedicated more than 30 years of her life to the service of education, lost her battle with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on Nov. 7. She died at CentraState Medical Center, Freehold Township.
Harris Corporation’s Debra Huttenburg To Speak At Radio Industry’s Esteemed “Forecast 2007” Event Broadcast Newsroom
CINCINNATI, November 15, 2006 – Debra Buck Huttenburg, vice president and general manager of the Radio Broadcast Systems business unit of Harris Corporation’s Broadcast Communications Division, will be among several noted panelists discussing the impact of new technologies on the future of the radio industry at "Forecast 2007," to be held on December 5th at New York City’s Harvard Club.
Menace to Society Cincinnati CityBeat
Harsh Times is a modern and raw reflection of the disastrous effects of war on the soldiers that survive them and the potential danger they pose. Jim Davis (Christian Bale) is a tweaked-out discharged Army Ranger who returns from the Gulf War to his childhood South Central neighborhood in Los Angeles to stir up trouble with his best friend Mike (Freddy Rodriguez) in this devastating drama by
Northeast Inland All-District Teams Akron Beacon Journal
The 2006 Northeast Inland All-District football teams, as selected by a media (sports writers and broadcasters) panel from the district:
Taxpayers got city's tab Sun-Sentinel
COOPER CITY· City commissioners savored 23 dinners, about a third of them costing more than $300, at taxpayers' expense in the past two years, according to city records released Tuesday.

Sito turistico ufficiale della provincia di Ferrara
FERRARA dal 28 Ottobre 2006 al 3 Aprile 2007, La rassegna di danza Castello Estense, 44100 Ferrara, tel. +39 0532 299303, fax +39 0532 212266
Ferrara - Wikipedia
Ferrara è un comune di 131.907 abitanti in provincia di Ferrara. Ferrara è tra le Città decorate al Valor Militare per la Guerra di Liberazione perchè è
Benvenuti alla CCIAA — Portale della Camera di Commercio di Ferrara
La Camera di Commercio, Industria, Artigianato e Agricoltura offre una guida a servizi ed attività, recapiti, notiziario.
la Nuova Ferrara
Notiziario Internet che si occupa di cronaca, sport, spettacoli in città e provincia. In associazione con Kataweb.
Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale di Ferrara — Azienda Unità
Presenta servizi amministrativi e sanitari, piano provinciale per la salute, news e link utili.

Benvenuti alla CCIAA — Portale della Camera di Commercio di Ferrara
La Camera di Commercio, Industria, Artigianato e Agricoltura offre una guida a servizi ed attività, recapiti, notiziario.
la Nuova Ferrara
Notiziario Internet che si occupa di cronaca, sport, spettacoli in città e provincia. In associazione con Kataweb.
Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale di Ferrara — Azienda Unità
Presenta servizi amministrativi e sanitari, piano provinciale per la salute, news e link utili.
Sito turistico ufficiale della provincia di Ferrara
Sito turistico ufficiale della provincia di Ferrara.
estense.com - Quotidiano di Ferrara
Quotidiano online che offre una pubblicazione relativa alle notizie nazionali ed una dedicata a quelle della provincia di Ferrara.
Ferrara Buskers Festival
20a Rassegna Internazionale del Musicista di Strada - Ferrara, 20 - 26 agosto 2007 L'edizione 2006 del Ferrara Buskers Festival è stata dedicata alla
Ferrara Fiere Congressi
Centro congressuale della Provincia di Ferrara. Presenta le sale e gli spazi espositivi, i servizi offerti, l'elenco degli alberghi siti nelle vicinanze,
Comune di Ferrara - I.A.T.
A cura del Comune, presenta informazioni dettagliate (grazie ad una banca dati ricca di informazioni e immagini di discreta qualità) su palazzi, chiese,
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