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Bulgarian Roma population
The main problem that the Roma here face is poverty. My city has seen such protest as Plovdiv has a large Roma neighborhood. In July 2006 Bulgaria took the Presidency of the Decade of Roma Inclusion 2005-2015 for one year.
Mamma Roma: The Films of Anna Magnani
(11/24/2006) Of the many foreign actresses to earn international success, most — Brigitte Bardot, Sophia Loren, Gina Lollobrigida, to name a few — were bombshells, symbols in the classic mold. Anna Magnani was the exception;
Did Karma Bite Microsoft?
http://www.freedom-to-tinker.com/?p=1086. "There’s an interesting echo here from Microsoft’s antitrust history. Once upon a time, Microsoft insisted that PC makers pay it a royalty for every PC they sold, whether or not that PC came
Zune Out of the Gate With a Slow But Steady Start
http://www.mp3newswire.net/stories/6002/zune-sales.html. "Their are no long lines in front of the electronic chains to tip us off on how well Microsoft's new Zune player is doing in the market these first few days, nor do Walmart or
ZDNet: Zune Has No Chance
http://blogs.zdnet.com/BTL/?p=3950. "Microsoft's Zune music player has little or no chance of denting Apple's iPod juggernaut and contrary to all the digital ink spilled on product comparisons and reviews most of the reasons are
Underage Roma Suspected in Dumpsite Boy Murder in Bulgaria
The 8-year-old boy, who was found dead at a dumpsite in Bulgaria's city of Haskovo Wednesday morning
Rome journal: Remembering Roma
a entry by InterNATZionale from a trip to Rome, Italy. Well, immediately upon departing the plane, I knew that Rome was going to be way warmer than Berlin! Yeah! It has been 70 and sunny every day since my arrival!
Lifetime Exclusive Alex Collack Video Interview With Sister Roma!
Sister Roma visits the set of Private Lowlife to get up close and personal with Hot House Lifetime Exclusive Alex Collack. They talk about his disciplined workout routine (what - did you really think those abs happened naturally?
Anonymous changed RomeCamp. * Fabio Masetti - [http://www.scriptavolant. net/blog|ScriptaVolant]. * Andrea Nicolai - [www.t-6.it/blog|T6]. * Carmelo Cutuli - [http://www.cutuli.it|www.cutuli.it]
exploring sl: roma expands
my heart was heavy when i used my landmark for roma and ended up in the sea. i sent an im to torin golding, and was glad to hear that roma had moved, not disappeared, to its own sim, roma! torin has lovingly built a roman sim,

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