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Who should be Republican Senate Minority leader?
Who should be Senate Minority leader? The 2 candidates wanting the job are Trent Lott and Lamar Alexander. Trent Lott has been the leader of the Senate but stepped down after making inappropriate comments at a dinner honoring Sen.
Classification of Earthquakes here
The earthquake occuring in Japan as first reported is a 7.8 quake. This is considerd a Major quake. The Classification of quakes are as follows: Micro 0-3 Minor 3-3.9 Moderate 4-4.9 Strong 6-6.9 Major 7-7.9 Great 8 and higher
any comments are welcome. thanks
any comments are welcome
The Baker Commission and wishful thinking
In a previous post I commented on what a mess there is in Iraq. It's worse than the Wild West was in our country, It's worse than the environment at the beginning of our Civil war. Between the new Iraq government and our own ineptness
Iraq: Definition of a real mess!
When the bad guys look like the good guys, can you trust anyone? This is the problem in Iraq. Today, in broad daylight, a group of 80 insurgents wearing police uniforms, attacked a government building and kidnapped between 100 and 150
Freedom: post election reality or fantasy?
There is a famous quote by Goethe, "None are so hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." Prior to the mid-term elections I knew we were all enslaved. After, many feel freed by the Democratic victory.
agenda for democrats- dare to dream!
on this very special veterans day, i pay tribute to the honor of all those who have given their lives to our country. each unique in their beliefs but all believed in our country and what we stand for. therefore with so much riding on
2008 presidential hopefuls- mini poll
for the past year and a half, i have been conducting a mini poll on who american voters want to see run for president. with the mid-term elections over i have summarized the results of that data and have cleared all the data so that we
premiata forneria marconi pfm - "per un amico" [1972] @ 320
per un amico (click to enlarge) " appena un po' " instantly grabbed my attention in 1972, and pfm has been one of my favourite bands ever since. it’s not difficult to see why the band became so well known internationally – and so well

Pc Amico Trucchi Soluzioni per Pc Xbox 360 Ps2 Psp Sfondi
Trucchi e soluzioni per PC, Psx, Ps2, ed inoltre alcune skin per WinAmp e altre utility per Windows.

Maggiore Amico Blu Noleggio furgoni
Maggiore Amico Blu Noleggio furgoni. Veicoli commerciali. Fiat Ducato Iveco Daily Fiat Doblò Fiat Scudo. Per traslochi e trasporti. Prenotazione on line.
Il tuo amico Vigile Urbano
cellulare, cellulari, suonerie, gratis, educazione stradale on line, approfondimenti sul codice della strada, risponde a domande su multe.
ociazione Nazionale Telefono Amico Italia. SERO DI ASCOLTO TELEFONICO. 199 284 284. Presentazione. NOTIZIE. Settembre 2006 SITO IN AGGIORNAMENTO

Maggiore Amico Blu - Noleggio furgoni
Maggiore Amico Blu - Noleggio furgoni. Veicoli commerciali. Fiat Ducato Iveco Daily Fiat Doblò Fiat Scudo. Per traslochi e trasporti. Prenotazione on line.
Il tuo amico Vigile Urbano
cellulare, cellulari, suonerie, gratis, educazione stradale on line, approfondimenti sul codice della strada, risponde a domande su multe.
Associazione Nazionale Telefono Amico Italia. SERVIZIO DI ASCOLTO TELEFONICO. 199 284 284. Presentazione. NOTIZIE. Settembre 2006 SITO IN AGGIORNAMENTO
L'amico Charly - Home
L'amico Charly, un luogo per incontrare e conoscere.
The Art Museum Image Consortium (AMICO)
Enabling educational access to museum multimedia documentation. Excellent database of collections within member museums and galleries.
Adotta un Amico - cani e gatti abbandonati chiedono aiuto
Cani e gatti dei canili chiedono il vostro aiuto. Adottare un cane o un gatto al canile.
Telefono Amico Ticino e Grigioni Italiano - Consulenza
[Lugano] Sezione regionale dell'associazione che offre un servizio di aiuto telefonico 24 ore al giorno per il Ticino e Grigioni, chiamando il numero 143.
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