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Defense: Cops missed room Newsday
Lawyer for teen accused of killing his stepfather says police gathering evidence overlooked bathroom Suffolk police exhaustively documented Scott Nager's home in hundreds of crime scene photos and a video tour after finding him nearly beheaded on his living room couch.
Gibian defense: Police neglected to search bathroom Newsday
Suffolk police exhaustively documented Scott Nager's home in hundreds of crime scene photos and a video tour after finding him nearly beheaded on his living room couch.
Gibian defense: Police neglected to search bathroom Newsday
During a room-by-room search of Scott Nager's home after he was found nearly beheaded on his living room couch last year, Suffolk police may have neglected to search a room that could have contained crucial evidence -- the bathroom of Nager's wife, Zachary Gibian's defense attorney revealed in court today.
Lebanon hopes tourism can rebound USA Today
Lebanon's tourism industry was on track to break records this year before the war between Israel and Hezbollah broke out July 12. Two months after the Aug. 14 cease-fire, few tourists are trickling into Lebanon.
Lebanon: Tourism Depends on Stability AP via Yahoo! Finance
Foreign tourists used to pop into Sandra Spanioli's gift shop in a five-star Beirut hotel every few minutes to buy a magazine, a map or a postcard. Now, she's lucky to see 20 customers a day.
Lebanon: Tourism depends on stability Sharewatch
Lebanon\'s tourism industry was on track to break records this year before the war between Israel and Hezbollah broke out July 12 and brought business at hotels, restaurants and shops to a crashing halt.
US Airways clips frequent fliers' wings San Diego Union-Tribune
US Airways has cut in half – from three years to 18 months – the time it allows frequent fliers to retain their miles without any account activity.

Consorzio Firenze Albergo
Firenze Albergo is the official association of hotels in Florence which belong to the Assindustria and through this website, FirenzeAlbergo.it,
Rome hotel center [Albergo Del Senato]
Sono illustrati i vari ambienti della struttura rinascimentale e le camere. Informazioni su tariffe, servizi e promozioni.
Albergo Roma
Elenco dei siti delle scuole di Roma che organizzano corsi professionali.
Hotel Terminus - Lago di Como
Piccolo raffinato hotel quattro stelle, nel cuore di Como e di fronte al lago. Rinomato ristorante, giardino e parcheggio privato.
Albergo del Sole al Biscione
Albergo del Sole, nel centro storico tra Campo de' Fiori e Piazza Navona, 10 min. da S.Pietro e Colosseo. Hotel Sole, the oldest in Rome, situated in the

Hotel Terminus - Lago di Como
Piccolo raffinato hotel quattro stelle, nel cuore di Como e di fronte al lago. Rinomato ristorante, giardino e parcheggio privato.
Albergo del Sole al Biscione
Albergo del Sole, nel centro storico tra Campo de' Fiori e Piazza Navona, 10 min. da S.Pietro e Colosseo. Hotel Sole, the oldest in Rome, situated in the
Albergo Diana - Lucca
Hotel Diana: albergo e dependance a Lucca, Toscana. Visita virtuale al nostro albergo, le camere, la dependance, prenotazione on line.
Albergo - Domus Mariae
Albergo Domus Mariae - Siracusa. Albergo Domus Mariae ***, A Siracusa nel cuore di Ortigia Via Vittorio Veneto n.76 - 96100 SIRACUSA
Albergo Le Macinaie
[Prato delle Macinaie] Presenta i servizi, le offerte, immagini ed una visita virtuale.
Vacanza Rimini: albergo Rimini, hotel Rimini e pensioni riviera
Trova il tuo albergo Rimini per una vacanza Rimini da sogno e in tutta la Riviera Romagnola, Abc Rimini ha selezionato per te hotel Rimini, pensioni riviera
Albergo Pietrasanta - Hotel in Toscana - Pietrasanta Lucca
Quattro stelle situato in un palazzo seicentesco nel centro della città. Presenta le camere, la sala convegni, le tariffe, le promozioni e gli eventi
Comune San Martino Buon Albergo
Le pagine che seguono non possono essere riprodotte o utilizzate senza la preventiva autorizzazione del Comune di San Martino Buon Albergo.
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