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HP Officejet J5780 All-in-One CNET The low price of the HP Officejet J5780 makes up for some drawbacks, including slow print speeds and lackluster text prints. We recommend spending a little more for the competition from Canon. HP Officejet Pro L7780 All-in-One CNET With its wealth of office-oriented features, fast prints, and great print quality, the HP Officejet Pro L7680 is a very compelling all-in-one for small businesses or work groups. We wholeheartedly recommend it. Thinking small with printer can be big plus Seattle Times Lately, I've been printing a lot of 4 x 6-inch photos. That's because I've mainly been shooting spontaneous shots of family and friends HP Officejet Pro K5400dtn CNET A single-function color inkjet, the HP Officejet Pro K5400 ably fills a small niche in the small- and medium-size office arenas. Low cost, fast prints, and high-quality text make this a great printer for offices on a budget who don't have high-volume printing needs but want the ability to print color graphics and photos.
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