He was born in 1338 , the son of Teodoro I. He was often at war against the Savoy and the Visconti to conquer the Canavese. Since 1356 he took part , with other nobles, to Leghe DellAlta Italia against the Visconti . He had 3 sons: Secondotto, Giovanni III and Teodoro II. He died in 1372.
In 1347 Giovanni II of Monferrato conquered Ivrea with the help of Luchino Visconti , lord of Milan. The Feudatories of the Canavese didnt want the Visconti in Ivrea and they addressed themselves to to the Apostolic Legate (sent by the Pope) who started negotiations to avoid a war. On the 29th of April 1348 they signed the peace treaty and the Visconti were forbidden to be interested in the Canavese and Ivrea.
The peace lasted for a short time, because after one year Giovanni II came back with his armies to conquer Caluso and other Canavesan centres. On the 11th of June they assaulted Caluso; in spite of the worth of the defenders, the Marquis won and, with his soldiers entered the town devastated by the war. In this moment Giovanni Visconti , the archbishop of Milan , intervened as a peacemaker; on the 25th of September 1349 he managed to have an agreement approved wich was then ratified on the 11th of October in the Castle of Cirič.
The agreement divided Ivrea in two
parts: the first went to the marquis of
Monferrato, the second to the Count of Savoy. Giovanni of Monferrato and Amedeo
IV met in the Communal Palace in Ivrea and one gave the other the keys of
the city. This situation continued for many years until the relationships between the Monferrato and the Savoy become colder
. In 1356 Giacomo DAcaia signed an
agreement with the Visconti who accepted not to hinder his conquests: with a sudden attack
on the first of September 1356 he conquered
Ivrea. Amedeo VI of Savoy didnt accept this initiative
and he threatened them with war. Giacomo DAcaia, in January 1357, made an act of submission to Amedeo; but he didnt return to
Giovanni of Monferrato his half part of the
city and since the
23th of February 1357 he has remained the only lord of Ivrea.