M. B. Music Website

A small selection of my wants


In this page I have listed some titles I am looking for to improve my collection. These may be LPs I don't have at all or particular pressings of records I already have.  If you have any of them, please take a look at my trade lists and find some records to trade with yours.  See trade rules in the trade info page.

Please note... this is only the top of the iceberg.  I'm always after 60s and early 70s rock, hard rock, psych, prog LPs (please note: LP only - I don't need any 7" or CD), so feel free to offer any similar item (I add new items each time I update this website and delete the ones I have found).  I may also buy cash, but trades have always priority.

For each record I've listed the version preferred, but I accept other releases or reissues in most cases.  Important: please state your price or trade value when offering me items.  Don't ask me to make any offer.



Abbreviations:  (m) mono, (s) stereo, (o) other releases considered, (r) reissues accepted.


See other want list clicking here.  

Last updated: 13 February 2003.