archimagazine - biografie - Rem Koolhaas 1994-95 Rem Koolhaas and the Place of Public Architecture - Museum of Modern Art, 1991 Palm Bay Hotel Conference Center Agadir, Morocco 1992 Two OMA / Rem Koolhaas 1987-1998 Root folder Books Architecture Architects K OMA / Rem Koolhaas 1987-1998. Hotel and Convention Centre in Agadir, Agadir, Morocco, 1990 RIBA: Rem Koolhaas collects the Royal Gold Medal The Dutch architect, Rem Koolhaas, will receive the Royal Gold Medal at the Royal the ZKM Mediateque for Karlsruhe and the Library in Agadir - have Oeuvre Office for Metropolitan Architecture - Architectuur.ORG OMA wordt geleid door zes partners: Rem Koolhaas, Ole Scheeren, Ellen van Loon Palm Bay Seafront Hotel en congrescentrum (niet uitgevoerd), Agadir, 1990 Rem Koolhaas - Wikipedia, den fria encyklopedin Koolhaas vann redan på 1970-talet världsrykte som teoretiker och har kallats både modernist, (ej uppförd); Kongresscentrum, Agadir, Marocko, 1990.
Rem Koolhaas - Wikipedia, den fria encyklopedin Koolhaas vann redan på 1970-talet världsrykte som teoretiker och har kallats både modernist, (ej uppförd); Kongresscentrum, Agadir, Marocko, 1990. JVC El trabajo de Koolhaas nunca se resiste a la autoridad; sabotea a la autoridad La Villette, Agadir, la Biblioteca Nacional, Melun Senart, Yokohama, ZKM | Koolhaas, Rem/ Biographie Wettbewerbe und Projekte - Rem Koolhaas/ OMA [Auswahl] Palm Bay Hotel and Conference Centre, Agadir [Wettbewerb]; La Grande Axe, La Défense, EL CROQUIS N. 53 + 79: OMA REM KOOLHAAS 1987 - 1998 - Edilio EL CROQUIS N. 53 + 79: OMA REM KOOLHAAS 1987 - 1998 Euro 69.95 HOTEL Y PALACIO DE CONGRESOS EN AGADIR DOS BIBLIOTECAS EN LA UNIVERSIDAD DE JUSSIEU archinfo.it - magazine "Rem Koolhaas is that rare combination of visionary and implementer philosopher 1990 - Centro Congressi, Agadir, Marocco 1990 - Stazione degli Autobus, El Croquis - Architecture Magazine - N.53+79 - OMA Rem Koolhaas N.53+79 - OMA Rem Koolhaas 1987-1998 HOTEL Y PALACIO DE CONGRESOS EN AGADIR. DOS BIBLIOTECAS EN LA UNIVERSIDAD DE JUSSIEU. CASA EN BURDEOS El Croquis - Architecture Magazine - N.53+79 - OMA Rem Koolhaas N.53+79 - OMA Rem Koolhaas 1987-1998 HOTEL AND CONVENTION CENTRE IN AGADIR. TWO LIBRARIES FOR JUSSIEU UNIVERSITY. MAISON À BORDEAUX RIBA: Rem Koolhaas wins the Royal Gold Medal Rem Koolhaas will be presented with the Royal Gold Medal at the RIBA on 18 February the ZKM Mediateque for Karlsruhe and the Library in Agadir - have