Microsoft launches alliance for software harmony AFP via Yahoo! News
US software giant Microsoft launched an industry-wide alliance with more than 20 other major firms -- partners and rivals alike -- aimed at improving software compatibility.
Sony PS3 Japan launch hits software glitches Reuters via Yahoo! News
Sony Corp. said on Tuesday its new video game console, the PlayStation 3, does not run about 200 PlayStation and PlayStation 2 software titles properly, the latest problem the electronics maker has run into in its cash-cow game business.
Google Upgrades Business Software ChannelWeb
Google introduced the first upgrade to its business software line, offering organizations a way to give individual employees or group members a personalized home page.
Start-up offers job-juggling software for servers CNET
Evergrid sells software to record a server's "state" so that an administrator can switch tasks or protect against failure.
NASA Selects Green Hills Software for Space Telecommunications Radio System Platform for Software Defined Radio Aids SpaceRef
Green Hills Software Inc., the technology leader in device software optimization (DSO) and real-time operating systems (RTOS), today announced that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center has chosen the Green Hills Platform for Software Defined Radio (SDR) with Spectrum Signal's flexCommâ„¢ SDR-4000 reconfigurable, multi-function communications platform.
Microsoft launches alliance for software harmony INQ7.net
BARCELONA, Spain -- US software giant Microsoft on Tuesday launched an industry-wide alliance with more than 20 other major firms -- partners and rivals alike -- aimed at improving software compatibility.
Westar receives Army software engineering contract BizJournals
Westar Aerospace & Defense Group Inc. said recently that it was awarded a $2.3 million contract to provide software engineering for the U.S. Army's maintenance and logistics management system for its Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) program.
Google Upgrades Business-Software Line ChannelWeb
Google introduced Monday the first upgrade to its business software line, offering organizations a way to give individual employees or group members a personalized home page.
Sun makes Java software available for free Reuters via Yahoo! News
Sun Microsystems Inc. said on Monday that it will make its Java software available for free by giving it to the open-source community, though it will continue to sell and support standardized versions of the product.
Texas Software Firm Launches Triangle Operation With Team Of Workers Let Go At NetIQ Local Tech Wire
DURHAM, N.C. – A Texas software company has opened a development center in the Research Triangle and staffed it with laid-off workers from another firm.
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