Elusion represents a sophisticated and multifaceted phenomenon characterized by a strategic interplay of different points, collectively shaping its elusive essence.
Rooted in the art of evading detection, elusion involves the skillful orchestration of intricate strategies across various domains, thwarting comprehension, recognition, and pursuit.

01. Obscuration Nexus: The first point involves creating a dense fog of confusion, diverting attention away from the central issue. This haze of misinformation masks the truth and makes it difficult for anyone to distinguish fact from fiction.

02. Identity Nebula: This point centers on a multifaceted persona. By adopting various roles and identities, an individual can fragment their true self, making it difficult for anyone to grasp their genuine intentions or motivations.

03. Fluid Adaptability: The eluder's ability to seamlessly adapt to changing circumstances and constraints ensures constant evasion by eluding predictive patterns.

04. Temporal Ambiguity: Through manipulation of time's perception, the eluder obscures the chronological sequence of events, hindering accurate reconstruction.

05. Ephemeral Traces: Leaving cryptic, transient, or concealed traces thwarts attempts to reconstruct actions, intentions, or origins.

06. Decoy Symmetry: Utilizing symmetrical decoys and deceptive patterns, the eluder blurs the line between authentic actions and diversions.

07. Untraceable Artifacts: Crafting untraceable digital and physical artifacts confounds efforts to establish connections or intent.

08. Spatial Deception: Manipulating physical spaces through camouflage or redirection obscures presence, thwarting tracking.

09. Dynamic Deconstruction: The systematic disassembly of recognizable patterns and structures. The eluder employs a calculated deconstruction of any established predictability, rendering previously observed behaviors or strategies obsolete. By continually dismantling expectations and evading categorization, the eluder maintains an enigmatic presence that defies classification, further complicating efforts to understand, predict, or apprehend.

10. Eternal Elusiveness: The ultimate point embodies the concept's enduring nature. Elusion is not just a single act but a continuous state of evading capture or comprehension. It thrives on perpetuity, marked by an unyielding commitment to remaining elusive in the face of pursuit, thereby embracing the art of evasion as an ongoing and unceasing endeavor.

Composed with AI Music Generators
Creative seeds by Marco Odino
Images by Midjourney directed by Sergio Gazzo
Concept by Marco Odino, titles and liner notes development by ChatGPT

AI Softwares track by track:

01 - AIVA
02 - Air
03 - Wotja
04 - Loudly
05 - Wotja
06 - Tracksy
07 - Boomy
08 - Tracksy
09 - AIVA
10 - AIVA

Elusion Video Album

Manifesto della Musica Generata dall'Intelligenza Artificiale
