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Pictures / Photos :: RE: Notre voyage, Cuba Cayo Coco
Auteur: Speed4Trill Posté le: Ven Mai 25, 2007 2:33 pm (GMT -5) Un Cigar svp Un Cigar Nice Pics Bel endroit! Ça doit faire du bien un beau p'ti voyage de même Best S4T
Pictures / Photos :: RE: Notre voyage, Cuba Cayo Coco
Auteur: riding_angel Posté le: Ven Mai 25, 2007 2:26 pm (GMT -5) Super les photos! Ca donne envie d'y aller
BERMUDAS/SOMMER'S ISLANDS/SUMMER ISLANDS- 'discovered' when ship wrecked under Juan Bermudez on voyage to cuba from Spain with hogs in 1522. Henry May(l?), an englishman had the same fate in 1598 and lastly sir george sommers
Photo Album: voyage cuba
voyage cuba 001, voyage cuba 002, voyage cuba 003, voyage cuba 005. voyage cuba 006, voyage cuba 007, voyage cuba 009, voyage cuba 010. voyage cuba 011, voyage cuba 012. More Photos
Photo Album: Voyage Cuba
Voyage Cuba. Photo sans titre, Photo sans titre, Photo sans titre, Photo sans titre. Photo sans titre, Photo sans titre, Photo sans titre, Photo sans titre. Photo sans titre, Photo sans titre. More Photos
Voyage of the St. Louis
In 1939, over 900 Jews tried to escape persecution and death in Germany by boarding a ship, the St. Louis, headed for Cuba. They thought they had the proper papers
Cruise Ship
On its last voyage past Cuba, it wobbled slightly and smashed into its duplicate in a parallel dimension. Counting survivors, casualties, and the missing isn't easy when life rafts and bodies float between worlds.
Impressions de voyage
Je me suis longtemps demandée pourquoi tant de Français rentrant d'un voyage à Cuba racontaient que les Cubains vivaient dans la misère, étaient privés de liberté, et refusaient de parler politique parce qu'ils étaient terrorisés.
Photo Album: Quelques photos du voyage à Cuba de ma soeur
Quelques photos du voyage à Cuba de ma soeur. cuba 011, cuba 017, cuba 064, cuba 068. cuba 079, cuba 086, cuba 102, cuba 114
Photo Album: Voyage Cuba
Voyage Cuba. bisous des dauphins, La Havane centre, Le capitole La havane, belle caisse. Musée de l'armée La havane, Quartier havane centre, havane, vielle caisse. Havane centre historique, havane centre historique. More Photos
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A man signaled with a flashlight in the early July morning as his pregnant wife and 30 other Cubans huddled along the coast of Matanzas, Cuba. A speedy fishing boat pulled close to shore and two smugglers loaded the group aboard.
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MIAMI - A man signaled with a flashlight in the early July morning as his pregnant wife and 30 other Cubans huddled along the coast of Matanzas, Cuba. A speedy fishing boat pulled close to shore and two
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A man signaled with a flashlight in the early July morning as his pregnant wife and 30 other Cubans crowded on the coast of Matanzas , Cuba. A speedy fishing boat came close to shore and two smugglers loaded the group aboard.
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